Thursday, 31 October 2013

Free Infrastructure Conference For Pension Plans

As I wrote on October 13, 2013, I am delighted to join the speaker roster for an upcoming December 5 and 6, 2013 conference about infrastructure. I will be part of the session entitled "How international investors are structuring their portfolios."

Infrastructure is getting noticed by pension plans, albeit slower than some would like. Important issues such as political stability in a country and risk-adjusted expectations about cash flows over the long-term are two of the factors that must be addressed. Given the multi-year nature of infrastructure economics and the sometimes perpetual characteristic of defined benefit plan liabilities, this $40+ trillion global capital markets sector is hard to overlook. According to a Reuters article, the Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System has committed $7.5 billion "together with Japan's Pension Fund Association and a consortium led by Mitsubishi Corporation." See "Pension plans launch $20 billion infrastructure fund" (April 26, 2012).

For pension plan representatives who want to learn more about investing in infrastructure or have an investment program in place and want an update, you can attend this conference for free, courtesy of infrastructure Investor Magazine. The LP Summit, to meet on December 5 and 6 at the Westin Times Square in New York City, will feature both pension fund managers and investment managers as they discuss the solutions and opportunities in infrastructure asset allocation. Among the pension funds that will have its representatives in attendance are the Canadian Pension Plan Investment Board, Virginia Retirement System, Employees Retirement System of Texas, and New York City Retirement Systems. To register your complimentary place, please contact David Grana at

For those interested readers who want information ahead of the conference, check out the following resources:


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GDP ? quick reactions

The economy grew 0.8% in the third quarter […]


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Have fees caused a collapse in Employment Tribunal claims?

Since 29 July 2013, anyone unfairly sacked or […]


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Risk Questionnaires are no substitute for intuition

I had an experience on Monday that re-iterated the lack of absolutes in financial planning...and possibly life in general.


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Investment in Intellectual Property Via A SSAS

SSAS, A small self administered scheme is a pension scheme established by the operators of a business, who appoint themselves as members and trustees. They dictate investment policy and ultimately benefit from the proceeds. That investment policy can range from investing money in shares to loans to the business.
A SSAS can purchase an asset from [...]


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Childcare Vouchers Consultation?

What seems a very long time ago (it was in fact only the 28th August) I updated this blog on the subject of the Childcare Vouchers Consultation document that had recently been issued by HMRC.� I did promise to add … Continue reading


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You can?t tell me I?m part of the Union

We’ve had some meat on the bones of the Hutton proposals today with a statement from Treasury Minister Danny Alexander too. You can read my earlier thoughts on Hutton in my blog “Hutton Speaks…and Makes Sense” below. But despite this, the knee jerk reaction of the Public Sector unions is, to paraphrase the late Miriam [...]


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Greece downgraded to emerging market status by S&P Dow Jones

Greece loses its status as a developed market after 'dramatic' and 'consistent' decline accrording to new classification


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Tackling the future funding of social care

Age UK has responded to a Department of Health consultation on the future funding of social care. This marks the latest stage in the long march to reform how we pay for care.�The ?Dilnot? Commission on long term care funding … Continue reading


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Student Property Investment ? The Facts

What every investor should know when looking to invest in student accommodation for investment. From how investment companies and developers price the properties to things to look for before investing.


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Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Solving youth unemployment: what Europe can teach Britain

Joint work by social partners to address issues […]


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The government brought us here

If someone had told me when I joined the BMA over 13 years ago that one day I would be writing a blog about doctors taking industrial action (over anything) then I might have feared for their mental health. After all, doctors are hardly known for their militancy, and yet here we are. Amid all [...]


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Tackling the future funding of social care

Age UK has responded to a Department of Health consultation on the future funding of social care. This marks the latest stage in the long march to reform how we pay for care.�The ?Dilnot? Commission on long term care funding … Continue reading


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FactCheck: is HS2 value for money?

This is the fifth time the government has attempted to make the economic case for the railway. Has it succeeded?


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Property News Radio: London Calling?

This week on Property News Radio we look at rising prices in London, warnings over the rising […]

The post Property News Radio: London Calling? appeared first on RMP Property - The UK Property Investment Experts.


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Returns of benefits and expenses - Forms P11D

HMRC has announced that the 2010/11 forms P11D, that are due for submission by 5 July, cannot be posted/delivered to your local office. Instead all paper forms have to be sent to a dedicated post room at:

P11D Support Team
Tynemouth House
Room BP8019
Benton Park View
Newcastle Upon Tyne
NE98 1ZZ

You will need to make sure forms are completed and posted to arrive in Newcastle by the submission deadline. Penalties are likely to be charged on late returns.

Cathy Corns is a tax adviser and a partner at Mercer & Hole. The views given in this blog are personal to the author, if you would like to discuss the contents of this post with Cathy you can call her on 01908 605552.


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Reviews are the key to financial planning

I am visiting existing Clients at 7.30 tonight.


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Manufacturing can revitalise our economy - Professor Christopherson, Cornell University


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The growing financial advice divide

This time last week, I was conscious of an evening appointment to come, having already visited a gentleman in the morning.


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Pensions Course for Union Officers in the TUC Southern & Eastern Region

9-11 June 2008. Bedford Studio, 1 Bedford Avenue, London, WC1 (2 mins walk from Congress House)

This 3-day course is for union officers and staff who are involved in consultation, negotiation and communication with members on pension schemes, in any sector.  No previous knowledge of pensions is assumed. Participants are asked to collect essential information about schemes they deal with and use this information on the course.  The course is not suitable for officers or representatives from single workplaces. The aims of the course are as follows:


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Effective Investment Stewards Should Take a Bow

In case you missed it, check out the quirky indie film "In A World..." If you like movies as I do, you will enjoy this lighthearted comedy about the supposed rough and tumble world of voice-overs. The first few minutes are devoted to the memory of Don Lafontaine, the uber vocal artist of countless trailers and commercials who died at the age of 68 in 2008. The story then proceeds to chronicle the efforts of a character played by actress Lake Bell, Carol Solomon, in competing for gigs in a mostly male-dominated industry. (Kudos to Ms. Bell for writing, directing and producing this cinematic gem as well.) Various sub-plots involve the reinforcement of a shaky marriage, connecting anew with a less than supportive father and getting "used" by a female film executive who sees dollar signs in empowering women at the expense of boosting Carol's ego.

Aside from its entertainment value, the production stayed on my mind, hours after the popcorn was gone. Here is why. In a final scene, Carol decides to help young women with squeaky voices learn how to better present themselves. She asks "Are you ready to be heard?"

Applied to the pension world, the question is apt. In an era of rising enforcement and litigation activity, I have often wondered why more governance-focused plan sponsors are refusing to take a bow. In speaking to several of their representatives, the feedback I received is that visibility can be a two-edged sword. My understanding of what others have said to me is that affirmative "best practice" communications might be viewed as a defensive tactic to hopefully keep participants happy and therefore unlikely to sue. The danger is that those same statements could be seen as raising awareness of issues that will lead to questions and unwelcome attention to topics such as fees, risk management and vendor selection.

The subject of how much information to provide is certainly an important one to address. The president of retirement plan services at Lincoln Financial Group, Chuck Cornelio, writes that "The move away from process-focused messages, such as how to enroll, plan mechanics and investment selection, to conversations around the projected outcomes of a participant's savings behaviors and strategies, including future monthly retirement income, spending power and retirement lifestyle, will not happen overnight." Click to read "5 critical elements of retirement plan communication" (Benefits Pro, November 12, 2012).

A recent court action has shed light on the attorney-client privilege as relates to ERISA plan communications. Interested readers can download the presentation about the fiduciary exception rule by Attorney James P. McElligott (Partner, McGuireWoods) and Attorney Ronald S. Kravitz (Liner Grode Stein Yankelevitz Sunshine Regenstreif & Taylor). It is entitled "ERISA Counsel's Communications with Plan Fiduciaries and Attorney-Client Privilege" (Strafford Continuing Legal Education, April 3, 2013). Attorney McElligott adds that "Fiduciary communication is a critical area. The process starts with a well-written Summary Plan Description ("SPD") but requires constant thought and vigilance."

In its "Fiduciary Checklist," T. Rowe Price authors provide a long list of items that should be disclosed to participants. It is certainly a good start but I would add numerous sections to that list about the governance of any particular retirement plan.

This topic will receive more attention from this blogger, especially as different countries approach the issue of pension governance as a recognized problem, with some plans badly in need of a solution.


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Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Statutory Residence Test Postponed

The Government has issued the draft Finance Bill today with a number of other documents and announcements. A key – and somewhat disappointing announcement is that the new statutory residence test will not now come in to force until 2013/14 – a year later than we had hoped.

The simplifications and changes to encourage non doms to invest in the UK will be enacted for 2012/13 as planned. We will be reviewing all the proposals over the next few days and will issue updated information as soon as possible.

If you have any questions in the meantime please don’t hesitate to contact us. 

Lisa Spearman is a tax adviser and a partner at Mercer & Hole. The views given in this blog are personal to the author, if you would like to discuss the contents of this post with Lisa you can call her on 020 7353 1597.

Email Lisa Spearman



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Rest in Peace Dad

Upon hearing that my father had passed away yesterday after a long illness, I realized how unprepared I was for this sad news. I thought I would take it more in stride. I can only hope that he is at peace with my mother and stepmother, each of whom passed away in late 2010. I am hugely grateful for so many wonderful memories of my father.

He was a kind and gentle man with a particular love for animals.  His beloved Calvin was a tiny dog. My father was large in body, spirit and mind. Seeing the two together was reason enough for a smile or two. How he cherished his furry friends.

My dad was smart and knew the importance of constant reinvention. He was one of the engineers who helped to build one of the first weather satellites for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration ("NASA"), Nimbus. As federal funding waned, he went on to apply his skills to the design of a machine that would help detect breast cancer. When it was clear that a changing workplace required greater technology savvy, he went back to school to learn Computer Aided Design ("CAD") and Computer Aided Manufacturing ("CAM").

We did not have much money. when I was little but my father made up for it with Sunday drives to nowhere, ending with an ice cream cone or an apple from a local fruit stand. I could keep going for hours. My story book is big. I will never tire of thinking about his strength and valor and a sense of humor that kept things fun.

I learned so much from him. He encouraged me to pick myself up after failure, to work hard, to never give up and to be honorable.

Dad - You will be sorely missed and in our hearts forever. Rest in peace. Thank you for your love and guidance.


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Aston Martin: Stirred, not Shaken?


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The place cash has in an Investment portfolio

?Cash is king?. Isn?t that what ?they? say?


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2 policies better than 1?

You and your Partner have just arranged a new mortgage and/or reviewed your existing protection arrangements. So, time to arrange/replace your Life (& Critical Illness) insurance in joint names?


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Time for action

By now you will know that at its recent emergency meeting BMA Council took the brave decision to ballot members on industrial action short of a strike. I say brave because this is of course a hugely difficult decision for the BMA, as it is for individual doctors, who place patient care at the centre [...]


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Statutory Residence Test and Remittance Basis Change Consultations issued

The framework for the long awaited statutory residence test is set out in the consultation document issued on Friday 17 June. In a different document of the same day, the proposed changes to the remittance basis rules were also announced. I am pleased to say that both documents are clear and straightforward.  So what are the main points?

The residence test is to be comprised of three parts: Part A Conclusive Non Residence: Part B Conclusive residence and Part C which operates as a tie breaker. The test relies on only four factors other than days of presence which removes nonsense about sports clubs and Wimbledon fortnight etc. The connection factors are:

  • Accommodation
  • Family residence
  • Substantive UK employment or self employment
  • Past residence position

In the tie breaker the more connecting factors with the UK, the fewer days can be spent here before triggering residence. It will also be a slightly different test for leavers than arrivers so it will be a little more difficult to be treated as leaving the UK unless you actually significantly reduce your links here. The tests very broadly aim to encapsulate the current position so that there should be few people where the status changes, but we will be considering all of our clients and explaining to them whether and how they will be affected. It is intended that the new rules will apply for the 2012/2013 tax year.

The Non Dom paper sets out the rules for a tax free remittance to the UK to invest in UK business. It is intended that any remittance to invest in a UK trading or commercial letting business will not attract a tax charge. The consultation paper seeks views as to whether listed companies should be included and whether only new shares should be included or existing ones as well. Only companies will be permitted - not partnerships or trusts but overseas vehicles will be included as possible remitters without penalty. The paper also includes proposals for the simplification of foreign currency and nominated income bank accounts the two last areas have been the subject of much criticism from the Tax Faculty and others in representations I have been involved with. It is very pleasing to see a government response taking our views into account and our initial reaction is a positive one. We will be reviewing the papers in detail and formally responding to the consultation in due course as well as expanding on the analysis of the proposals.

If anyone has any comments or questions please don't hesitate to get in touch.

Lisa is an acknowledged expert on the tax consequences of offshore trusts, and residence and domicile issues and leads Mercer & Hole’s specialist team that focuses on our non UK domiciled clients. She is Chairman of the ICAEW Tax Faculty’s, Private Client Committee and within that leads the working party on non domicile and residence matters.

Lisa Spearman is a tax adviser and a partner at Mercer & Hole. The views given in this blog are personal to the author, if you would like to discuss the contents of this post with Lisa you can call her on 020 7353 1597.

Email Lisa Spearman



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Pensions Course for Union Officers in the TUC Southern & Eastern Region

9-11 June 2008. Bedford Studio, 1 Bedford Avenue, London, WC1 (2 mins walk from Congress House)

This 3-day course is for union officers and staff who are involved in consultation, negotiation and communication with members on pension schemes, in any sector.  No previous knowledge of pensions is assumed. Participants are asked to collect essential information about schemes they deal with and use this information on the course.  The course is not suitable for officers or representatives from single workplaces. The aims of the course are as follows:


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FactCheck: child deaths in Britain

The Department of Health says five more children die each day in Britain compared to Sweden, as it introduces a new child health policy. Is that just because there are more children in Britain? What is the difference?


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Who regulates best, the US or EU? #TTIP

The latest scheduled negotiations about the Transatlantic Trade […]


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Monday, 28 October 2013

Annual Investment Allowance and the timing of GPs' security systems

I recently had a conversation with the practice manager of a large GP practice in the West Midlands. We had recently advised the practice on several development areas, both NHS and non-NHS revenue related.

One result of this investment was the furnishing of a state of the art conference room and suite. The practice took advantage of the 2011 Annual Investment Allowance.

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Taxing rumours

A rumour is circulating that the Treasury may soon start taxing the retirement lump sum. There was a passing reference on the Radio 4 Today Programme�earlier this week. There has also been speculation that Chancellor George Osborne could announce in the forthcoming budget that tax relief on pension contributions may be capped at basic rate. [...]


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The different direction Europe should take

Leaders attending the EU summit at the end […]


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The highest inflation in the EU

The Chancellor and the Prime Minister like to […]


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Property News Radio: House price news

  This week on Property News Radio we look at.. Naught Property Guru’s House Prices grow by […]

The post Property News Radio: House price news appeared first on RMP Property - The UK Property Investment Experts.


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Is a SSAS better than a SIPP?

In discussion with Pension Practitioner .com managers. The first of three scheduled meetings. We considered how a SIPP (Self-Invested Personal Pension) could be relevant from a tax perspective, for sheltering properties and other possible investments. However, Pension Practitioner .com stated that there are circumstances, especially for small to medium sized family businesses, when [...]


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Property Developer Case Study

We were contacted by a Liverpool based property developer who owned various sites across the city but because of the lack of bank funding available was unable to build these sites out.

This situation is rampant with small ? medium size developers who have historically had good relationships with their banks but because of the severe financial restrictions imposed to many main stream lenders has become untenable.


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Waterford Crystal balls and Eurovision: could Ireland?s nightmare affect the PPF, the UK and beyond?

Waterford Crystal?s 2009 insolvency has led to broken glass, broken retirements and is symptomatic of Ireland?s broken dreams. The European Court of Justice?s recent decision in the related Hogan case has led some to question the ripple effect on pension protection in the UK and throughout Europe. Peering into my (not Waterford) crystal ball, what [...]


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Statutory Residence Test and Remittance Basis Change Consultations issued

The framework for the long awaited statutory residence test is set out in the consultation document issued on Friday 17 June. In a different document of the same day, the proposed changes to the remittance basis rules were also announced. I am pleased to say that both documents are clear and straightforward.  So what are the main points?

The residence test is to be comprised of three parts: Part A Conclusive Non Residence: Part B Conclusive residence and Part C which operates as a tie breaker. The test relies on only four factors other than days of presence which removes nonsense about sports clubs and Wimbledon fortnight etc. The connection factors are:

  • Accommodation
  • Family residence
  • Substantive UK employment or self employment
  • Past residence position

In the tie breaker the more connecting factors with the UK, the fewer days can be spent here before triggering residence. It will also be a slightly different test for leavers than arrivers so it will be a little more difficult to be treated as leaving the UK unless you actually significantly reduce your links here. The tests very broadly aim to encapsulate the current position so that there should be few people where the status changes, but we will be considering all of our clients and explaining to them whether and how they will be affected. It is intended that the new rules will apply for the 2012/2013 tax year.

The Non Dom paper sets out the rules for a tax free remittance to the UK to invest in UK business. It is intended that any remittance to invest in a UK trading or commercial letting business will not attract a tax charge. The consultation paper seeks views as to whether listed companies should be included and whether only new shares should be included or existing ones as well. Only companies will be permitted - not partnerships or trusts but overseas vehicles will be included as possible remitters without penalty. The paper also includes proposals for the simplification of foreign currency and nominated income bank accounts the two last areas have been the subject of much criticism from the Tax Faculty and others in representations I have been involved with. It is very pleasing to see a government response taking our views into account and our initial reaction is a positive one. We will be reviewing the papers in detail and formally responding to the consultation in due course as well as expanding on the analysis of the proposals.

If anyone has any comments or questions please don't hesitate to get in touch.

Lisa is an acknowledged expert on the tax consequences of offshore trusts, and residence and domicile issues and leads Mercer & Hole’s specialist team that focuses on our non UK domiciled clients. She is Chairman of the ICAEW Tax Faculty’s, Private Client Committee and within that leads the working party on non domicile and residence matters.

Lisa Spearman is a tax adviser and a partner at Mercer & Hole. The views given in this blog are personal to the author, if you would like to discuss the contents of this post with Lisa you can call her on 020 7353 1597.

Email Lisa Spearman



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Volatility is the word

If you are a serious investor, you may have heard of the following 4 terms that measure volatility/risk:


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Employed or not employed ? HMRC clampdown on underpaid PAYE

I understand that HMRC is looking into payments made by NHS foundation trusts to medical consultants and dentists where PAYE has not been deducted. The important issue to understand here is employment status of each consultant as this is a matter of fact which will determine the tax treatment of payments made.

Genuine self-employed individuals can receive payments without the deduction of PAYE and are expected to account for these amounts on their personal tax returns. They then need to pay any tax due within the usual timescales to avoid interest.

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Sunday, 27 October 2013

Barbados ? Things are heating up!

Barbados, probably one of the most revered holiday destinations in the UK and arguably the world. The traditional busy period in Barbados tends to last from around the end of November to the end of January and with this, British Airways are advertising their Barbados winter holiday packages in order to convince some of those [...]


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Why we were right to say ?no? to Syrian intervention

This article is by Ian Shilling and it can also be found at!/2013/08/action-in-syria-what-would-it-achieve.html ; I blog it because within it are contrarian views that are not being aired on the radio or TV or in our national papers. When … Continue reading


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China, the UK and Economic Rebalancing: What about the jobs?

The ever-thoughtful Linda Yueh has published a great […]


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NFL Clockwatch - 49ers vs Jaguars London special - live!

Can the Jacksonville Jaguars spring an upset in the NFL International Series game at Wembley? Follow all the week's games with Paolo Bandini


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SIPPs: What are they good for?

The Self-Invested Personal Pension (SIPP)...the clue is in the title.


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Life expectancy in the UK is an average of 81 for men and 86 for women. With the age of retirement set at 65, it is immediately obvious why retirement plans are important. People naturally worry how their financial situation will fare once they enter retirement. In the UK, the government has set about to [...]


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Free Checks!

We ensure you are provided with advice from expert advisers. You will have all the information needed to make the right choice and have ALL the facts about whether opting for this is the right choice. will can put you in touch with an advisor who will perform a free investigation to see if [...]


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Who regulates best, the US or EU? #TTIP

The latest scheduled negotiations about the Transatlantic Trade […]


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Saturday, 26 October 2013

Is a SSAS better than a SIPP?

In discussion with Pension Practitioner .com managers. The first of three scheduled meetings. We considered how a SIPP (Self-Invested Personal Pension) could be relevant from a tax perspective, for sheltering properties and other possible investments. However, Pension Practitioner .com stated that there are circumstances, especially for small to medium sized family businesses, when [...]


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More About Private Equity Funds and Pension IOUs

As I discussed in my July 29, 2013 blog post entitled "Pension Liability Price Tag For Private Equity Funds And Their Investors," a recent court decision by the First Circuit could mean the difference between "good" deals and "bad" ones. In "Doubling Down on a Bad Bet: Liability for Portfolio Company Pension Obligations After Sun Capital" (August 5, 2013), ERISA trial attorney with the McCormack Firm, Stephen D. Rosenberg refers to this legal opinion as "tremendously significant" as it will directly impact how acquisitions are structured, "in terms of examining whether it is possible to legally structure the acquisition and ownership of a portfolio company in a manner which will insulate the acquirer from unfunded pension obligations or, if it is not certain whether that can be achieved, will at least make it as hard as possible for potential plaintiffs to recover, thus hopefully dissuading future lawsuits..."

As creator of the popular and insightful Boston ERISA & Insurance Litigation blog, Attorney Rosenberg talked about the imperative to think ahead. Instead of trying to fix a problem after an acquisition has take place, he references my recommendations, as a business expert, to thoroughly value "the pension exposures of the target company" and account "for that exposure financially in the purchase price."

School is still out as to whether these actions are being done to the extent they should be. I have worked on due diligence initiatives that included a forward-looking assessment of cash needs and investment considerations. However, if everyone was tackling this type of economic analysis, in conjunction with a legal review, there would be no headlines about post-deal pension surprises. In other words, there are obviously some buyers that have not done sufficient homework and end up paying more than they had anticipated. If that happens too often, a private equity fund's general partners are ultimately going to get push back from their limited partners such as other pension plans, endowments and foundations. Why? Post-transaction costs impede performance.

Attorney Rosenberg and I both agree that doing the right things, prior to the closing of a transaction, is a good offense. As relates to pension-centric due diligence by a private equity fund, he adds that "Do that correctly, and you have already accounted for the possibility of being forced to cover the portfolio company's exposure; do that incorrectly, and you may have - as occurred in Sun Capital - doubled down on a losing proposition."


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The Immigration Bill: hostility won?t tackle austerity

Last week Teresa May announced Government policies to […]


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The time is now?

An article in the Times today (20 Jun 2011) has raised the issue of the development of a two tier occupational pension being provided by companies. Those of us well versed in the machinations of the UK pension industry would probably say ’so what else is new’ but maybe for some readers of this blog, [...]


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PNR003: Interest Rates get Interesting!

With major news from the Bank of England this week that could affect the property market for […]

The post PNR003: Interest Rates get Interesting! appeared first on RMP Property - The UK Property Investment Experts.


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