Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Win an Apple iPad

Inter Payroll are giving away an Apple iPad. Enter for your chance to win!

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How does my pension affect the environment?

Most people don’t think of themselves as investors in the stock market, but a huge proportion of investments are held through our savings, pensions, insurance and banking. This means that money may be invested on our behalf in companies which are failing to take action on climate change.
According to the Ethical Investment Research and Information Service UK pension funds control more than a third of the shares on the UK stock market. This is likely to grow, as more people are automatically opted-in to company schemes under new legislation.


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Apprenticeships, lets have quantity and quality


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OMO? It could be OMG

I seem to have taken a Blogging sabbatical since early December. Source: pension lump sum pension transfer retirement age uk retirement calculator annuity calculator Source: pension lump sum pension transfer retirement age uk retirement calculator annuity calculator


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To reverse inequality we have to address the Thatcherite legacy

A contradiction lies at the heart of the [...]


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FMQs: Salmond hides behind the ministerial code

For the first time ever, FT Westminster brings you reaction from First Minister’s Questions, live from Edinburgh.

I am here this week to take a closer look at how the case for independence is going, and whether this week’s mess over EU membership has finally taken the shine off the SNP’s charismatic leader, Alex Salmond.

The SNP was left embarrassed earlier this week when it admitted it had not, contrary to what ministers had appeared to say previously, sought legal advice on whether Scotland could remain a member of the EU.

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Tax Free Cash

Tax free can be yours if you are at least 55 years of age, or older and have �15000 in your pension fund. On each policy applicants can have up to 25% of the pension fund as a cash payment at the retirement date that has been specified and a pension release enables people to [...]


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Time for action

By now you will know that at its recent emergency meeting BMA Council took the brave decision to ballot members on industrial action short of a strike. I say brave because this is of course a hugely difficult decision for … Continue reading


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Is a SSAS better than a SIPP?

In discussion with Pension Practitioner .com managers. The first of three scheduled meetings. We considered how a SIPP (Self-Invested Personal Pension) could be relevant from a tax perspective, for sheltering properties and other possible investments. However, Pension Practitioner .com stated that there are circumstances, especially for small to medium sized family businesses, when [...]


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California Pension Reform

With one of the largest pension systems in the United States, California reform has been a topic of conversation for awhile. Last week, the state senate voted 36-1 to position massive changes for a final okay from Governor Jerry Brown. A combination of salary caps (used to determine pension benefits), increased retirement age and higher contributions from employees is expected to save taxpayers billions of dollars every year. Some critics say that this is a drop in the bucket and that much more is needed.

According to "Calif. Lawmakers Pass Pension Reform Measures" by Erin Coe (, August 31, 2012), Governor Brown had hoped for broader changes to "rein in rising retiree health care costs," create a 401(k) type retirement plan for new employees and allow the state's pension board more latitude in decision-making. 

Click to download the 60-page document that lays out the details of AB  340, the California Public Employees' Pension Reform Act of 2013.

Lots of people throughout the United States are watching and hoping that change occurs quickly. Plan participants want assurances about promises made. Taxpayers are groaning about possible hikes to cover what they describe as employee benefit plan largesse. Municipal bond investors are nervous about defaults.

Reason Magazine's Steven Greenhut writes that Vallejo's attempts to restructure were followed by "Stockton, then Mammoth Lakes, and now San Bernardino and soon possibly Compton," with pension and health care plan participants often showing up as creditors.According to "Battle over pension debt looms in San Bernardino bankruptcy" by Tim Reid (Reuters, August 30, 2012), the California Public Employees' Retirement System ("CalPERS") is listed as San Bernardino's largest creditor. A sign of possible trouble ahead, what is at stake depends on who you ask. CalPERS estimates that is owed $319.5 million in contrast to the city's number of $143.3 million.

Earlier this year, Senator Orrin Hatch's office published a report that showed that state and local pension plans with funding ratios below eighty percent had risen from about five percent in 2000 to forty percent in 2006. The study adds that eleven states will likely exhaust their defined benefit plan assets by 2020. The report suggests that heightened disclosures on the part of state and local plan sponsors and a change from a defined benefit plan arrangement to something else merit emphasis before taxpayers are asked to pay more. Click to read "State and Local Government Defined Benefit Pension Plans: The Pension Debt Crisis that Threatens America," United States Senate Committee on Finance, January 2012.

Notably, this blogger addressed the issue of public pension plan funding on July 27, 2006 in "Tea Party Redux: State Pensions in Turmoil." The reference to "tea party" was to a historical event and not the political party.


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Annuity : Taxi

William asks? Taxi…………………? A taxi passenger tapped the driver on the shoulder to ask him a question. The driver screamed, lost control of the car, nearly hit a bus, went up on the footpath, and stopped centimetres from a shop … Continue reading


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Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Risk & Reward: Shares

Most of us have come across Shares at one time or another. Source: stamp duty paid when is stamp duty payable stamp duty payable stamp duty cost cost of stamp duty


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Squeezing the rich pensioners

When Andrew Dilnot published his proposals on funding social care, he envisaged that a better, fairer system would require extra funding from public expenditure, and observed that since older people would be the principal beneficiaries, it would be preferable if … Continue reading


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The government brought us here

If someone had told me when I joined the BMA over 13 years ago that one day I would be writing a blog about doctors taking industrial action (over anything) then I might have feared for their mental health. After … Continue reading


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Win an Apple iPad

Inter Payroll are giving away an Apple iPad. Enter for your chance to win! Similar Posts Apple style navigation menu Payroll Giving National Employment Savings Trust changes Source: pensions uk iht annuity rates stakeholder pensions uk retirement


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Iht : Fedex

Thomas asks? Does Fedex tracking update online instantly when the package is scanned? Mine hasn’t updated since July 2nd. Estimated delivery date is tomorrow but usually when I order something from Fedex it scans in Fayetteville, NC the day before … Continue reading


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Pensions & the Self-employed

The Treasury are toying with the limits for Pension contributions.


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Government asks experts to offer boost for council building

Housing Minister John Healey and the Local Government Association (LGA) today announced they are launching joint work? Source: how much stamp duty stamp duty how much how much is the stamp duty stamp duty exempt exempt from stamp duty


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SSAS loans ? Five conditions for the principal and associated companies

The rules state; The maximum loan is 50% of net assets of the scheme at the time of the loan. The loan is for a maximum period of five years. The interest rate has to be a minimum of 1% … Continue reading


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Incentives must be the foundation of a revolution in British education

With aims including far more school choice for pupils from all backgrounds, and raising standards in state schools through competition, the goals of the 2010 Academies Act were bold. Autonomous groups would set up free schools, which in turn would … Continue reading


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Life insurance...not just for mortgages

You obtain a mortgage, and then you obtain life insurance. Right?


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Monday, 29 October 2012

A new approach to state-funded pressure groups

The question of whether the government should be funding pressure groups is one that faces politicians across the developed world. The Australian state of Queensland has decided that actions speak louder than words and is introducing a rule that says NGOs who … Continue reading


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NAPF Conference Report (from our man not on the spot)

My attempt to create a one man fringe event at the NAPF was short-lived and I spent the majority of the past 48 hours ensconced in various coffee shops and bars listening to Conference Reports from playpen cronies. The feedback … Continue reading


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TSSA Pensions Champions network

At the beginning of the year the TSSA trained its first wave of Pension Champions. Stimulated by the report made by the Railway Pension Commission and recommendations to move to a career average scheme*, as well as disregarding TSSA recommendations for an industry wide scheme; reps have been busy recruiting pensions champions. As part of the TSSA strategic response to the commission’s report the TSSA has managed to recruit pension champions from outside the rep pool and directly from the membership. July brings the second wave of training with nearly 40 applicants and many more awaiting dates for future training in the year. It is the aim of the TSSA to recruit pension champions in every region for every company, providing us with a network of reps solely placed to organise around what stands to be one of the biggest issues facing our members in 2008.

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Tips for finding a job outside the UK

As young people’s career options in the UK seem to be quite limited, many young professionals are considering leaving home and starting a new life somewhere else. In a bid to help jobseekers make the best possible decision, the Guardian … Continue reading


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The Bank of England needs a humble governor

At a meeting in the House of Commons yesterday, I was asked to describe the characteristics which should be possessed by the next Governor of the Bank of England. These were my thoughts.

Read the full blog post here


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Social TV and second-screen viewing: the stats in 2012

What does research from Nielsen, Google, Deloitte, Thinkbox, BSkyB and others tell us?

In 2012, a lot of people are using smartphones, tablets and/or laptops while watching TV. But how many, what are they doing, and what might it mean for the TV industry?

It's a question being chewed over at pretty much every industry conference, and there is no shortage of research companies conducting surveys to try to help them understand viewer habits, and respond accordingly.

I thought it might be a good time to round up some of the latest studies, all from 2012, and draw a few conclusions. Starting with the latter:

Somewhere between 75% and 85% of TV viewers use other devices while watching, although a lot of these people are doing unrelated tasks ? it's startling how many surveys come up with around 60% for the percentage of people who are emailing, which is a telling (and somewhat dispiriting) comment on modern working habits.

Of these multi-screeners, how many are actually using their second device to look for something relating to the show they're watching? Somewhere between 37% and 52%, while between 27% and 44% are browsing for products spotted in a show or ad, depending which survey you believe.

It's looking like more than a fifth of TV viewers are chatting on Facebook or Twitter about the shows they're watching, although again, lots of people are on these sites for unrelated reasons (between 42% and 48% overall, by the looks of it, which includes related and unrelated use).

Here are the studies, in reverse-chronological order by date of publication. If I've missed any significant research, do post links and details in the comments:

eDigitalResearch / IMRG (October 2012)

This was a survey of 2,000 people in the UK conducted in early July 2012. It found that 80% of smartphone owners, 81% of tablet owners and 73% of laptop owners use their devices in front of the TV. 41% of people have used one of these devices to browse for a product after seeing it in a show or advert.

IMRG is "the UK's industry association for e-retail", so it was keen to stress the implications for retailers, particularly in terms of ensuring their smartphone and tablet-friendly websites and apps tie into the adverts they're running on TV.

Red Bee Media / Decipher (October 2012)

This survey of more than 2,000 British smartphone, tablet and laptop owners claimed that 86% have used one of these devices while watching TV, although only one fifth have used a "synchronous companion app" (e.g. a Zeebox-style app) to do it.

Of those app users, 55% were keen on the ability to respond to shows through polls and voting in these apps, while 52% liked the ability to participate or influence them by playing along.

The study also found that 52% of respondents had used a second screen to find out more about a TV show, and that one third said they were more likely to watch a show live rather than on catch-up if there was lots of social buzz around it.

44% of "dual screeners" use the second screen to find out more about brands or ads, 56% are open to receiving targeted ads through synchronous apps, and 40% would be willing to receive offers and promotions on their devices based on products featured on the TV. Meanwhile, a quarter of respondents said they'd pay for a second-screen app, although only �1.27 per app on average.

Verizon / Harris Interactive (October 2012)

Verizon commissioned Harris for a poll of 2,319 Americans who were planning to watch the US presidential debates. It found that 65% said they were going to do it with a smartphone, tablet or computer in their hands/laps.

41% said they were at least "somewhat likely" to use the second screen to fact-check statements by Barack Obama and Mitt Romney, while 39% were somewhat likely to follow the reactions of political reporters, and 26% to follow those of comedians ("although it is not clear if this is to track their political punditry or for comic relief").

This wasn't a one-way flow of social updates, though. 23% of people planning to watch the debates said they'd post their own reactions on Facebook, and 14% on Twitter.

BSkyB / YouGov (September 2012)

BSkyB commissioned YouGov for some research on how technology and social media are changing TV-viewing habits, although it's not clear how many people were canvassed in the study.

The topline figure: 75% of Brits watch TV with a second device to hand. What are they doing? 65% are surfing the web, 60% are emailing and 48% are using social networks.

The study also drilled into the habits of 18-24 year-olds, finding that 24% use Facebook to find something to watch, while 9% use Twitter. 37% share something about a show on social media, while 31% talk online to people they don't know about their favourite shows.

Overall, 24% of people surveyed said they use social media for TV recommendations, while 12% of people say "they've turned on their TV just because of something they've seen on social media".

Google / Ipsos / Sterling (August 2012)

This is currently one of the most widely-quoted studies of multi-screen habits, thanks in part to its warning to the TV industry that "Television no longer commands our full attention": 77% of the times people watch TV, it's with another device.

The study, which involved 1,611 US participants, suggested that 81% of people use smartphones while watching TV, while 66% use laptops or PCs while watching TV. Top activities included emailing (60%), internet browsing (44%), social networking (42%) and playing games (25%).

Google suggested that 22% of "simultaneous usage" of more than one device is complementary ?�one use is related to the other. It also found that 22% of respondents have searched for something on their smartphone because they saw it on TV ?�a figure that breaks down to 17% because of an ad, and 7% because of a show (obviously, there's an overlap).

Ericsson (August 2012)

Ericsson's study of TV and video habits was based on its ConsumerLab research program, which involves interviewing 100,000 people a year in 40 countries.

Its key finding was that 62% of people use social media while watching TV ?�18 percentage points more than 2011's finding. 40% of them are discussing what they're currently watching on social networks.

The report noted that social TV isn't just for the young folk: 30% of 45-59 year-olds "engage in social TV behaviour at least weekly".

Deloitte (August 2012)

Deloitte's survey of 4,000 people in the UK dug into second-screen habits, claimed that 24% of all respondents use second screens, although nearly half of 16-24 year-olds use messaging, email, Facebook or Twitter to discuss what they're watching on TV.

It suggested there is a "muted appetite" for interacting with shows from the second screen, with only one tenth of respondents browsing the internet for information about the show they're watching.

40% said they like being able to send comments in to a live show, but 68% said they wouldn't want websites for products, people or adverts that they've just seen on TV to "automatically appear on their computer, tablet or smartphone".

Deloitte's response was that second-screening has much more of an impact on driving "conversations about a programme, as opposed to interaction with it", with the company's Paul Lee suggesting it will be similar to eating in front of the TV: "An everyday experience for some; absolutely unthinkable for others. One thing is certain: it is here for good."

Pew Research Center (July 2012)

Another US study, this, conducted for the Pew Internet & American Life Project with a sample of 2,254 US adults in late March 2012, although published later in the year.

It found that 52% of mobile phone owners are "connected viewers", using their phones while watching TV. 38% do it to keep themselves occupied during advertising breaks or other pauses, and 23% send texts to friends watching the same show as them.

22% fact-check what they've seen on TV, 20% visit websites mentioned in a show, 11% check what other people are saying online about the show they're watching, and 11% post their own comments from their phone. Meanwhile, 6% said they use their phones to vote for reality show contestants.

IAB UK / ESPN (July 2012)

The UK's Internet Advertising Bureau teamed up with broadcaster ESPN for a study zeroing in on second-screen usage during the Euro 2012 football tournament, based on ESPN's 3,000-strong Fan Forum panel.

The idea: to dig into how people use multiple screens during a big sporting event. It found 54% of fans used another device while watching matches on TV, and that of those, 68% were using the second device for "UEFA Euro 2012-related activity".

Of these people, 39% visited social networking sites related to the match, 17% visited related websites, 16% placed bets, and 11% used related apps. 16% of fans read tweets, while 10% tweeted themselves.

However, unrelated activity was also happening on the second screen: 61% checked emails and 13% did online banking tasks.

Thinkbox (June 2012)

The Screen Life study from Thinkbox and COG Research aimed to give the advertising industry more insight into multi-screen viewing, blending analysis of video footage of 23 households' living rooms with an online survey of 2,000 people.

It suggested that 86% people with access to TV and the internet have ever "multi-screened", while 34% say they do so regularly. It found that 31% have chatted about TV shows or ads in a second screen, but that this rose to 56% for 16-24 year-olds.

The research suggested that multi-screeners are more likely to stay in the living room during ad breaks (81% versus 72% for people who aren't multi-screening), and that they watch for longer too: 64% of their viewing sessions last for more than 15 minutes, versus 47% for non multi-screeners.

IAB / Ipsos MediaCT (May 2012)

This was a study from the Internet Advertising Bureau which found that 63% of TV viewers had used a connected device the last time they watched live TV, with that rising to 66% for people the last time they watched time-shifted TV.

This research also found that most users are emailing, texting and social networking, which aren't usually related to what they're watching. However, it claimed that 45% of smartphone and 30% of tablet "multi-screeners" were doing something relating to the current show.

23% of smartphone multi-screeners were texting, emailing or messaging friends about the TV, while 20% were chatting about it on social networks, and 20% actually talking (as in voice calls) about it to friends.

37% of smartphone multi-screeners use their devices to talk about ads they've seen, with some intriguing findings that the more devices people use at once, the better they are able to remember ads ? as in associate advertisers with specific TV shows.

Nielsen (April 2012)

Nielsen's study of multi-screening habits is also regularly quoted at TV and tech industry conferences, not least because it compared the US, UK, Germany and Italy rather than focusing on one market.

In the US, it found that 41% of smartphone owners use their phones at least once a day while watching TV, while 45% of tablet owners do the same. In the UK, those numbers were 40% and 41% respectively.

Across all countries, the most frequent tablet or smartphone activity was checking email, but Nielsen also dug into US (I think) simultaneous TV and tablet usage for some more depth.

It found that 61% of tablet owners check email while watching TV, 47% visit social networks during a show (and 45% during the ad break), 37% look up information relating to the show they're watching, 34% check sports scores, and 27% look up product information based on a TV ad. © 2012 Guardian News and Media Limited or its affiliated companies. All rights reserved. | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds


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NHS pension scheme under review

The Department of Health has given people until 21 October to respond to its consultation on the NHS pension scheme. The consultation was in response to an Independent Public Service Pensions Commission led by Lord Hutton which concluded that a review was needed of the long-term affordability and sustainability of public service pensions.

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NHS pension scheme under review

The Department of Health has given people until 21 October to respond to its consultation on the NHS pension scheme. The consultation was in response to an Independent Public Service Pensions Commission led by Lord Hutton which concluded that a review was needed of the long-term affordability and sustainability of public service pensions.

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A decarbonisation target for 2030 or a sensible target ?

Source: avoid stamp duty how to avoid stamp duty stamp duty avoid how much is stamp duty how much stamp duty Source: compare my pension


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Tories claim public supports cut to child benefit cuts for rich

The coalition will defend plans to remove child benefit from about one million of the highest-paid by arguing that the move is supported by the vast majority of society. HM Revenue & Customs will this week send a mail-out to … Continue reading


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Sunday, 28 October 2012

Talking Horses

The latest news and best bets in our daily racing blog By all accounts, Michael Owen won’t have found much entertainment in Saturday’s match between Stoke, his present side, and Sunderland ? despite the fact that he was taking part … Continue reading


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All aboard the Moneybus

Age UK’s Moneybus has helped older people claim more than �300,000 in health and income benefits. Sponsored by Legal and General,�the Moneybus visited English regions with the highest number of older people�that�are eligible for financial benefits, but haven’t claimed – … Continue reading


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Annuity : Sams Credit Card Apply

Lisa asks? Sams Club question !? If my brother apply the college discount in sam’s club, can I pay his expense when check out (using my credit card)? but the membership is his name. Also i am college student but … Continue reading


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How S.S.A.S. can help extract cash from your property with tax relief

A Pension Practitioner.Com S.S.A.S. can help you cut tax and extract cash from your property without a remortgage whilst getting tax relief.
After regulated advice you transfer your old pension into your SSAS, account. Your scheme then purchases equity in the property (Subject to independent valuation.). This releases cash to you. A further [...]


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MyIP joins the Inter Payroll family

Inter Payroll announces MyIP- the new secure online data transmission system.

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Scotland must look to the future ? and Craig Levein is not invited

Scotland's cannot reach the 2014 World Cup, and Levein will not lead them towards Euro 2016 ? so why let him stay?

The storm surrounding Craig Levein has abated. For now. The Scotland manager's week-long holiday in the aftermath of defeats in Wales and Belgium would have pleased those among his employers who were anxious not to make a swift decision on his future. A fine performance from Celtic in Barcelona on Tuesday evening also shifted the Scottish football narrative, albeit temporarily.

Levein is scheduled to meet the Scottish Football Association in the next few days, with the premature ending of the nation's hopes of qualification for the 2014 World Cup a key topic for discussion. Linked to that, of course, is whether Levein should be afforded more time to halt Scotland's alarming international decline.

To many, this seems as close to a no-brainer as any board could find themselves considering. They do not enjoy the heat of negativity; in this instance, they must also consider the prospect of empty seats and commercial damage if an ill-fated managerial tenure is allowed to stumble on.

If asked, onlookers would toil to recall more than one match since Levein took over in which his team has genuinely impressed. That blunt analysis contradicts the manager's repeated insistence of progress.

Scotland have claimed just two points from four qualifying games so far. They are bottom of Group A, with their glaring lack of tempo during two Hampden fixtures understandably tough for expectant and loyal fans to bear.

The emergence of a tabloid story involving the Scotland midfielder Scott Brown and some high jinks in a Cardiff hotel hardly represent a heinous crime. Still, the story raised legitimate questions about the professionalism of what is currently a failing set-up. Public comments from another player, James Morrison, demanding a change of Levein's tactics hardly bode well, either.

It is nonsensical for Scots to believe any manager should be dismissed after a single failed qualification attempt. This is Levein's second; Scotland finished third in a mediocre Euro 2012 section, winning just three matches, two of them against Liechtenstein.

Levein seems to regard criticism of Scotland's performances as personal, which it isn't. And, in fairness, the two common criticisms ? that infamous 4-6-0 formation with which the Scots lost 1-0 in Prague and the saga involving Steven Fletcher ? lack substance. Levein is a more capable tactician than those taking issue with his formations, and Fletcher was the one in the wrong when he first opted out of the Scotland scene by text message.

The waters of this troubled scenario have been muddied, sometimes deliberately, by those who stress Scotland's wider fall from grace mean it would be illogical to dispense with Levein.

Bizarrely, Scotland's attempted overhaul of their youth football system is used as a defence of Levein. Under this flawed logic, removing a first-team manager would make little or no difference because the landscape of Scottish football is in such a dismal state.

Belgium, who have implemented a successful youth performance plan, have had six international managers in a decade. They comprehend, as the SFA must, job titles.

The core issue here is that, regardless of their placing in the grand scheme of world football, Scotland have consistently underperformed during Levein's reign. To suggest no other manager could do better is a total fallacy, however incremental that improvement may be. The longer the SFA preside over such an unsatisfactory situation, the longer they are complicit in it. For his part, Levein has the talent to succeed again elsewhere.

Given the end of Scotland's hopes of qualifying for the World Cup, it is the duty of the SFA to either hand Levein a contract for the 2016 European Championship qualifiers or implement change now. The former would be an astonishing move, one which would trigger quite a reaction from the Tartan Army, while the latter would allow another manager to adequately prepare his team for a fresh qualification challenge. Recent suggestions that the SFA may dodge or delay making a firm call do not augur well.

Those in charge of the Scottish game bungled in dealing with the crisis involving Rangers earlier this year. A further lack of decisiveness with regards Levein will only, and rightly, bring confidence in the people at the top down another notch. © 2012 Guardian News and Media Limited or its affiliated companies. All rights reserved. | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds


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Scotland must look to the future ? and Craig Levein is not invited

Scotland's cannot reach the 2014 World Cup, and Levein will not lead them towards Euro 2016 ? so why let him stay?

The storm surrounding Craig Levein has abated. For now. The Scotland manager's week-long holiday in the aftermath of defeats in Wales and Belgium would have pleased those among his employers who were anxious not to make a swift decision on his future. A fine performance from Celtic in Barcelona on Tuesday evening also shifted the Scottish football narrative, albeit temporarily.

Levein is scheduled to meet the Scottish Football Association in the next few days, with the premature ending of the nation's hopes of qualification for the 2014 World Cup a key topic for discussion. Linked to that, of course, is whether Levein should be afforded more time to halt Scotland's alarming international decline.

To many, this seems as close to a no-brainer as any board could find themselves considering. They do not enjoy the heat of negativity; in this instance, they must also consider the prospect of empty seats and commercial damage if an ill-fated managerial tenure is allowed to stumble on.

If asked, onlookers would toil to recall more than one match since Levein took over in which his team has genuinely impressed. That blunt analysis contradicts the manager's repeated insistence of progress.

Scotland have claimed just two points from four qualifying games so far. They are bottom of Group A, with their glaring lack of tempo during two Hampden fixtures understandably tough for expectant and loyal fans to bear.

The emergence of a tabloid story involving the Scotland midfielder Scott Brown and some high jinks in a Cardiff hotel hardly represent a heinous crime. Still, the story raised legitimate questions about the professionalism of what is currently a failing set-up. Public comments from another player, James Morrison, demanding a change of Levein's tactics hardly bode well, either.

It is nonsensical for Scots to believe any manager should be dismissed after a single failed qualification attempt. This is Levein's second; Scotland finished third in a mediocre Euro 2012 section, winning just three matches, two of them against Liechtenstein.

Levein seems to regard criticism of Scotland's performances as personal, which it isn't. And, in fairness, the two common criticisms ? that infamous 4-6-0 formation with which the Scots lost 1-0 in Prague and the saga involving Steven Fletcher ? lack substance. Levein is a more capable tactician than those taking issue with his formations, and Fletcher was the one in the wrong when he first opted out of the Scotland scene by text message.

The waters of this troubled scenario have been muddied, sometimes deliberately, by those who stress Scotland's wider fall from grace mean it would be illogical to dispense with Levein.

Bizarrely, Scotland's attempted overhaul of their youth football system is used as a defence of Levein. Under this flawed logic, removing a first-team manager would make little or no difference because the landscape of Scottish football is in such a dismal state.

Belgium, who have implemented a successful youth performance plan, have had six international managers in a decade. They comprehend, as the SFA must, job titles.

The core issue here is that, regardless of their placing in the grand scheme of world football, Scotland have consistently underperformed during Levein's reign. To suggest no other manager could do better is a total fallacy, however incremental that improvement may be. The longer the SFA preside over such an unsatisfactory situation, the longer they are complicit in it. For his part, Levein has the talent to succeed again elsewhere.

Given the end of Scotland's hopes of qualifying for the World Cup, it is the duty of the SFA to either hand Levein a contract for the 2016 European Championship qualifiers or implement change now. The former would be an astonishing move, one which would trigger quite a reaction from the Tartan Army, while the latter would allow another manager to adequately prepare his team for a fresh qualification challenge. Recent suggestions that the SFA may dodge or delay making a firm call do not augur well.

Those in charge of the Scottish game bungled in dealing with the crisis involving Rangers earlier this year. A further lack of decisiveness with regards Levein will only, and rightly, bring confidence in the people at the top down another notch. © 2012 Guardian News and Media Limited or its affiliated companies. All rights reserved. | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds


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The Technical Baccalaureate, is it the answer?


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GCSEs and the 65% target


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Apprenticeships, lets have quantity and quality


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MyIP joins the Inter Payroll family

Inter Payroll announces MyIP- the new secure online data transmission system. Similar Posts Inter Payroll unveil new changes Inter Payroll introduces Live Chat Christmas and New Year opening hours Source: company pension Source: for dating sites on dating … Continue reading


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Saturday, 27 October 2012

FactCheck: Will payment by results crack Britain?s prison problem?

There are no hard statistics available on outcomes yet, which means we effectively have to take the minister's word for it.


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Do you have the correct Tax Code?

My dear Mum recently celebrated her 65th birthday.


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Completion draws nearer in Barbados!

As completion of our beautiful apartment in Barbados gets closer and closer, I thought I would share some of the latest news on this fantastic Barbados Property Investment with any prospective purchasers. As you know, if you are reading this, … Continue reading


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Help us to help you

Last week BMA members received a survey from us in the post.� You can also complete it online should you prefer. The deadline is midnight on Monday 16 January, so get a move on! The survey asks you two big … Continue reading


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The growing financial advice divide

This time last week, I was conscious of an evening appointment to come, having already visited a gentleman in the morning.


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Farewell for now, but we haven't heard the last of Alice Arnold | Media Monkey

The revolving door keeps on spinning at BBC Radio 4. Following in the footsteps of long-serving announcers Charlotte Green and Harriet Cass, whose departures were announced last month, is Alice Arnold, who has decided to move on after more than 20 years on the station. Arnold joined the station's radio drama company in 1988, before becoming part of the Radio 4 presentation team in 1991. "For over 20 years I have been lucky enough to work with the fantastic team of Radio 4 announcers and newsreaders, but it's time to move on to fresh challenges and a broader range of opportunities," she said. "I'm looking forward to having the freedom to be creative, to use my voice in different ways and I hope I won't be a stranger to the airwaves." Unlike Green and Cass, who took voluntary redundancy, Arnold will be replaced. © 2012 Guardian News and Media Limited or its affiliated companies. All rights reserved. | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds


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Top benefits of a COMMON TRUST for SSAS members.

When a SSAS purchases a property on the behalf of its’ members, it does so as a single purchase transaction. It holds the asset in a non-allocated common trust. It is for the benefit of all members, in proportion to … Continue reading


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Christmas and New Year opening hours

With the festive period almost here we have finalised our opening hours during this period.

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Pensions & the Self-employed

The Treasury are toying with the limits for Pension contributions.


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Friday, 26 October 2012

Can pensions help you when you?re broke?

When I was a financial adviser, I often hear people say that they couldn’t afford to save into a pension. When I probed, this objection often boiled down to� a fear that “tying up money” left people scared that in … Continue reading


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Good intentions?

I?m working to the assumption that the readers of this Blog will be ?clued-up?, and so enjoy an ongoing relationship with an Independent Financial Adviser (IFA).


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Complaints to the Financial Ombudsman

The Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) today published its Complaints data for the period 1.4.09 to 31.3.10. Source: Pension Forecast Source: compare my pension


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Time for action

By now you will know that at its recent emergency meeting BMA Council took the brave decision to ballot members on industrial action short of a strike. I say brave because this is of course a hugely difficult decision for … Continue reading


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Ji�oy�, ji�oy�, ji�oy�*

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Pension Practitioner .com help property developers cut corporation tax when they purchase commercial property.

If your business needs to purchase additional property, but you must keep up your working capital and your business faces a high tax bill; consult Pension Practitioner .com.

They administer for you a small self administered scheme ( SSAS) and ensure that you are registered for tax relief. Your contributions may be structured [...]


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The Bank of England needs a humble governor

At a meeting in the House of Commons yesterday, I was asked to describe the characteristics which should be possessed by the next Governor of the Bank of England. These were my thoughts.

Read the full blog post here


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Properties with sporting facilities so you can train like an Olympian

To mark team GB?s first gold medals yesterday we were inspired to look at some of Winkworth?s best properties with sporting facilities, allowing you to exercise from the comfort of your own home! Source: stamp duty thresholds what are … Continue reading


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FactCheck: The truth about the child benefits cap

DWP figures show that some 160 claimants out of more than 3 million were getting the equivalent of �50,000 a year or more in 2010. That’s 0.0004 per cent of cases. Source: benaughty benaughty benaughty be naught internet date … Continue reading


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Thursday, 25 October 2012

Apprenticeships, lets have quantity and quality

Source: pension review


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