Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Olympics 2012: the alternative medals table

We all know who's in the lead on the medal tables - but what would happen if you looked at them by population size, or GDP - or even compared to the number of athletes in each team? A team of statisticians has worked with us to bring you a new way of judging the Olympic Games
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How do you measure a team's performance in the Olympics? The traditional way is to just count up the number of medals won. And the result? The biggest countries always come top: the Olympic 'superpowers' of the US, China, Russia, UK, Australia and Germany.

But what if the totals took account of factors that must have an influence, such as the size of a country's population or its economic power, or compared it to the size of the athletic team in London?

The Royal Statistical Society and the Datablog have teamed up with four statisticians at Imperial College, London, to help us work out how those key factors might change the league table. By 'weighting' the medals, what happens to the results?

The team, Christoforos Anagnostopoulos, Giovanni Montana, Axel Gandy and Daniel Mortlock, looked at previous olympics and traditional indicators such as the output of a country's economy (GDP), the size of its population - and also ways to weight the score by the size of each country's Olympic team.

What's the rationale? Take the 2008 results. The Bahamas had a population of approximately 334,000 in 2008, whereas the USA had 304,000,000 - almost 1,000 times larger. And yet the Bahamas won two medals, whereas the US 110 ? 55 times as many. "Taking population into account," says Anagnostopoulos, "It no longer seems obvious that the US should rank higher than the Bahamas. The intuition is that the US had a larger pool of possible athletes to choose from, and consequently it makes sense that it should do better, too".

So, what will the results look like? Says Anagnostopoulos:

The simplest approach is to divide the number of medals by the population of each country. We will however look at other types of indices that might be harder to interpret directly. Consequently, to make the league table interpretable without reference to the underlying index, we express the results as a (weighted) medal count. As the Games progress, for each medal type (Bronze/Silver/Gold), we redistribute the medals that have been already won, taking into account the country's population: for a small country, one medal will be worth more than for a larger country, and it may therefore end up with 2 or 3 medals, whereas the larger country "loses" some of its medals in order to correct for the advantage afforded to it by way of its larger population. The resulting medal count will depend on the relative sizes of the countries of the medal winners, and may change as more medals are added onto the database. We do the same for silvers and golds, as well as for total medal count

GDP, is another obvious one to re-size on, particularly when you consider how expensive sport equipment and training is. Moreover, since GDP also grows with population size, it implicitly also takes into account population size.

Although penalising larger wealthier countries may seem intuitively "fair", our statistical team invites us to think harder about the potential arbitrariness of penalties and how they can be selected objectively. Anagnostopoulos explains:

We have been thinking of GDP (or population) as an "advantage" that needs to be "corrected for" by penalising. This however involves an arbitrary decision of how much to penalise by. A statistician would take a different, more objective view, where GDP is a factor that can, to some extent, explain the performance of various countries. A different, more objective view, would interpret GDP as a factor that can, to some extent, explain the performance of various countries. Once this explanatory potential is exhausted, what 'is left' (the statistical jargon for this is 'residual') can be interpreted as 'GDP-corrected' athletic skill - a purer measure. Crucially, we may then rely on sound principles of statistical modelling to determine fairly conclusively which index is the one that maximises the explanatory power of GDP (and/or population) in this context. The resulting measure is no longer a simple ratio, but a variant of a log scale, which carefully balances the numbers in a fairly complicated way. When the games are over, we will be able to analyse the results based on this work

Reassuringly, however, the main qualitative conclusion of the earlier league tables seems to persist: for instance, in 2008, Cuba comes top, with 24 medals but a small population and GDP. Not all "superpowers" are banished, but some are: Australia, China, and Russia maintain their positions in the top 20, whereas the UK and the US are no longer featured.

Team size is also a factor - and one which our team says may be a better indicator than either GDP or population as it has already taken that into account by team selection.

And this is what those results look like for for population and GDP, compared to team size: "A sharper linear relationship is evident after taking logarithms. Further analysis can fine-tune the index to capture as much as possible the effect of GDP and/or population on performance." says Anagnostopoulos.

The full data is below - and we will update it throughout the Games. What can you do with it?

The alternative medal ranking table

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Live: Medals adjusted for population

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Live: Medals adjusted for GDP

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Source: http://www.guardian.co.uk/sport/datablog/2012/jul/30/olympics-2012-alternative-medal-table

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Keep calm, but note the warning

Whilst social care reform proposals remain bedevilled by an inability to find a funding solution, the Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) has published its annual Fiscal Sustainability Report.� As last year, this warns of the age-related risks to public finances … Continue reading

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/AgeUkBlog/~3/y7tzphfenAw/

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CFO Liability and Pension Plan Governance and Risk Management

On October 16, 2012, thousands of CFOs, treasurers, Vice Presidents of Finance and other corporate leaders will meet in Miami, Florida for a chance to attend timely and informative sessions. Dr. Susan Mangiero is proud to have been selected to speak at the 2012 annual conference of the Association for Financial Professionals. She will be joined by senior ERISA litigation attorneys to address the topic of CFO liability and pension plan governance and risk management. See below for more information about the program. Click to access information about the Pension & Benefits educational session track that includes our session and many others.

CFO Liability and Pension Plan Governance and Risk Management

With trillions of employee benefit plan dollars at stake, chief financial officers are in the spotlight as never before. ERISA and securities litigation, successor liability relating to mergers, acquisitions and spinoffs, ratings downgrades, significant new regulations and accounting rules are a few of the challenges that put 401(k), defined benefit plan and health care plan financial management at the top of every CFO's "to do" list.

Susan Mangiero, CFA, FRM, FRM, Managing Director, FTI Consulting
Nancy Ross, Partner, McDermott Will & Emery LLP
Howard Shapiro, Co-Chair ERISA Litigation Practice, Proskauer

Source: http://feeds.lexblog.com/~r/PensionRiskMatters/~3/FMuGMMy8fXI/

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A truth universally acknowledged??

Today’s big story of course is the Government green paper on the future of the basic state pension. Currently one of the lowest in the developed world it stands at a paltry �97.65 a week (assuming you have a full National Insurance record) rising to a minimum income guraranteed top up figure of �132.60 if [...]

Source: http://www.pensionlawyerblog.com/pensions-green-paper

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Monday, 30 July 2012

Early Release

Accessing this form of finance in this way is taking advantage of the benefits prior to you retiring. With this you can get access to the maximum tax free cash and/or maximum income.� Alternatively, you can release a cash lump sum and then reinvest the balance until the point at which you decide to retire. [...]

Source: http://www.pensionrelease.org/early-pension-release/

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FTSE350 High Yield

There has been a lot of conjecture recently around what better approaches to take during the recent market volatility. Source: http://www.lse.co.uk/blogs/expert/resident-ifa-blog/11406t/ drawdown state pension forecast uk state pension pension lump sum pension transfer

Source: http://www.newstakeholderpensions.info/ftse350-high-yield-15/

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My new blog on tax and pension advice for healthcare professionals

Last Wednesday, I attended the ICAEW accountancy institute Healthcare Seminar of which I am the chairman. The seminar was even more passionate than usual due to the recent and forthcoming changes to financial legislation for both healthcare professionals and citizens … Continue reading

Source: http://www.retirementageuk.info/my-new-blog-on-tax-and-pension-advice-for-healthcare-professionals-9/

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Pensions Champions courses: Summer Term 2008

This course will help union reps to:

  • consider the basic pension environment, examining state pensions, occupational pensions, personal pensions and additional pensions
  • become familiar with a range of resources, looking at published materials as well as that available on websites
  • make extensive use of the TUC's online materials, all activities will have an online element
    prepare a presentation to use in workplaces

For details on course timings and course registration please contact the provider from the list that you can download here.

read more

Source: http://www.pensionschampions.co.uk/?q=node/50

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Syria crisis: US fears Aleppo ?massacre? ? Friday 27 July 2012

? Syria’s second city braces for an army assault? Turkey reportedly sets up secret base to aid rebels? Hague warns of ‘unacceptable escalation’ ? Read the latest summary 6.04pm: Today’s coverage of Syria has been dominated by expectations that Aleppo, … Continue reading

Source: http://www.pensionsuk.info/syria-crisis-us-fears-aleppo-massacre-friday-27-july-2012-2/

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Fiduciary Duty to Hedge

Who would have thunk that a discussion about pension governance and risk management would keep audience members in their seats for nearly three hours? Yet that is what occurred on January 24, 2012 as a panel convened to discuss such weighty issues as whether companies have a fiduciary duty to hedge and whether inaction can lead to litigation.

In his opening remarks as part of a January 24, 2012 event that was hosted by the Hartford CFA Society, ERISA attorney Martin Rosenburgh cautioned that fiduciaries could find themselves open to questions for not taking steps to mitigate risks. Attorney Gordon Eng, a former litigator and now general counsel and Chief Compliance Officer for a high yield bond fund, adds that any investment decision should be supported with ample documentation that reflects a careful and thorough deliberation of the issues at hand.

For more details about this lively, topical and informative event, read "Considering a Duty to Hedge" by Christopher Faille.

Source: http://feeds.lexblog.com/~r/PensionRiskMatters/~3/1Y2dddtgoRw/

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Verify your Motivations before You Choose Pension Release

Generally, UK pension holders contribute to their personal pension fund or old Company pension fund for the main purpose of having lump sum cash or income when they finally retire. Whilst this may be the primary purpose of pension funds, … Continue reading

Source: http://www.pensions-advisory-service.info/verify-your-motivations-before-you-choose-pension-release-17/

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To the man with a hammer?every problem is a nail

LIBOR is a private arrangement and the banks that set it have the strongest incentives to keep it honest. The government should stick to prosecuting fraud. The private sector institutions that have an interest in LIBOR should club together and … Continue reading

Source: http://www.annuityratesuk.info/to-the-man-with-a-hammerevery-problem-is-a-nail/

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London 2012 Olympians visualised for the Guardian

How can you show nearly 11,000 athletes from over 200 countries? This graphic visualisation by Christine Oliver and Michael Robinson was published in today's Guardian and shows how each country breaks down
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Source: http://www.guardian.co.uk/sport/datablog/2012/jul/30/olympic-medals-visualised-guardian

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It?s not just about medal tables!

I’ve been rude about the Olympic Park before now, earlier in the year I took the family to a warm up�event which turned out to be an exercise in lock down, it rained, we saw little and we got cold. … Continue reading

Source: http://henrytapper.com/2012/07/29/7988/

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Sunday, 29 July 2012

A safety net for relocated homeless families?

Tomorrow the government?s consultation on the suitability of [...] Source: http://touchstoneblog.org.uk/2012/07/a-safety-net-for-relocated-homeless-families/ retirement calculator annuity calculator pensions advisory service can i retire pensions calculator

Source: http://www.pension-release-uk.info/a-safety-net-for-relocated-homeless-families-2/

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Annuity : Credit Card 0 Balance Transfer And Purchases

Sandra asks? Discover card, 0% apr for 15 months? i got my first credit card.. 0% apr for purchases(and balance transfers) for 15 months.. i tried asking this question to the lady on the phone when i activated it but … Continue reading

Source: http://www.uk-retirement.info/annuity-credit-card-0-balance-transfer-and-purchases/

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Send in forensic actuaries to sort out these ?rip-off? pensions!

Spookily, a couple of hours after I’d published yesterday’s blog about how the DWP had ducked the dodgy question of how to sort out legacy pension charges, Steve Webb, the Pension Minister issued an appeal to the pensions industry to … Continue reading

Source: http://henrytapper.com/2012/07/25/send-in-forensic-actuaries-to-sort-out-these-rip-off-pensions/

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Talking Horses | Will Hayler

The latest news and best bets in our daily horse racing blog

Mark Johnston can often prove the nemesis of punters when his horses struggle to put two good runs together, but the trainer will be heading to Goodwood this week with hopes high after hitting form in style on Saturday.

Having kept a particularly close eye on Van Ellis this season, I was more easily able to excuse some of his below-par performances, but others of the Johnston team seem to drift in and out of form in a far less predictable manner. That said, Johnston reports that he has been hit with a low-grade virus in the stable for the last two months, and an improved spell of weather can sometimes have a miraculous effect in clearing up such conditions.

The stable's Baileys Jubilee (1.00) bids to continue her return to form at Deauville, where the feature contest is the Group One Prix Rothschild. The John Gosden-trained Elusive Kate (1.30) has had to wait for her favoured good ground this season, but conditions have come right and she makes the most appeal of the three-year-olds in the line-up, all of whom receive an attractive 8lb age allowance from Golden Lilac and Immortal Verse.

Pontefract offers the best of the British action and the Henry Candy-trained Rugged Cross can take the Sky Bet Pomfret Stakes. Well beaten in the Derby last time out, he was probably out of his depth there even if a mile and a half stretched his stamina reserves too far. But back at a mile and with Henry Candy's team in good form, Rugged Cross (3.50) can bounce back.

The nap is Honoured (3.20), who has raised only a very sympathetic 5lb in the weights for his latest success, a contest in which he travelled sweetly throughout and, frankly, was always going to win. The betting market doesn't yet appear to have fully cottoned on to the talents of the trainer Mick Appleby.

guardian.co.uk © 2012 Guardian News and Media Limited or its affiliated companies. All rights reserved. | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds

Source: http://www.guardian.co.uk/sport/blog/2012/jul/29/talking-horses-racing-tips-bets

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Absense due to weather- do staff get paid?

Many employees and employers alike will be wondering whether staff will be getting paid if they are unable to get to work due to bad weather conditions. This unfortunately has no straight-forward answer and we look at the different scenarios. … Continue reading

Source: http://www.annuityratesuk.info/absense-due-to-weather-do-staff-get-paid-7/

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FactCheck: What?s fuelling British Gas?s profits?

“We think the suggestion that today’s figures are just a return to the norm after a particularly lean spell last year is dubious.” Source: http://blogs.channel4.com/factcheck/factcheck-whats-fuelling-british-gass-profits/11039 pension

Source: http://www.iiht.info/factcheck-whats-fuelling-british-gass-profits/

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Web links for 24th July 2012

Access to Work statistics Latest official stats for [...] Source: http://touchstoneblog.org.uk/2012/07/web-links-for-24th-july-2012/ facebook application facebook apps facebook app for face book photo applications on facebook Source: http://www.pensionforecast.info/web-links-for-24th-july-2012/ retirement age uk retirement calculator annuity calculator pensions advisory service can i retire

Source: http://www.pensionsuk.info/web-links-for-24th-july-2012/

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Game, set and match: new evidence from the Swedish voucher reform

A new paper on the Swedish voucher reform system demonstrates that it takes time before competitive incentives have an impact – which has implications for how we evaluate other school choice programmes. Moreover, it indicates that competition is the key mechanism behind producing better outcomes, not the fact that some schools are better than others. It also shows that for-profit schools are just as good as non-profit schools when it comes to raising the overall attainment levels in a voucher system. 

Read the full blog post here

Source: http://www.iea.org.uk/blog/game-set-and-match-new-evidence-from-the-swedish-voucher-reform

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Great article Mark. I attend a lot of property ne?

Source: http://taxadvicenetwork.blogspot.com/2011/05/are-stamp-duty-avoidance-schemes-worth.html?showComment=1325253590506#c8315709758488504042 rate of stamp duty what is the stamp duty rate stamp duty charges stamp duty calculators stamp duty tax calculator Source: http://www.pensions-advisory-service.info/great-article-mark-i-attend-a-lot-of-property-ne-7/ stamp duty reserve tax stamp duty fees stamp duty paid when is stamp duty payable stamp … Continue reading

Source: http://www.newstakeholderpensions.info/great-article-mark-i-attend-a-lot-of-property-ne-8/

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FactCheck: NHS spending unspun

“The strange picture being painted for us is one of the biggest bureacratic machines in Whitehall being taken by surprise by its own success in making efficiency savings, and choosing to hand the extra cash back to the Treasury rather … Continue reading

Source: http://www.ukstatepension.info/factcheck-nhs-spending-unspun-2/

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Saturday, 28 July 2012

FactCheck: NHS spending unspun

“The strange picture being painted for us is one of the biggest bureacratic machines in Whitehall being taken by surprise by its own success in making efficiency savings, and choosing to hand the extra cash back to the Treasury rather … Continue reading

Source: http://www.drawdown.info/factcheck-nhs-spending-unspun/

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The Art of Wise Instruction

Just a shameless plug actually for a Zen themed Breakfast Seminar at which I, together with an Actuary and an Investment Manager will give some insights on how to get the best out of your pension advisors. The Seminar will … Continue reading

Source: http://www.annuitycomparison.info/the-art-of-wise-instruction-11/

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Work Based Pension Schemes Likely To Be Affected by New Regulations

Work based pension schemes are likely to be affected by new regulations coming in effect from 2012 according to UK’s No.1 SSAS provider Pension Practitioner. Com. Pension experts and SSAS administrators have predicted that employers are likely to be affected … Continue reading

Source: http://www.annuitycomparison.info/work-based-pension-schemes-likely-to-be-affected-by-new-regulations-5/

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Property Developer Case Study

We were contacted by a Liverpool based property developer who owned various sites across the city but because of the lack of bank funding available was unable to build these sites out.

This situation is rampant with small ? medium size developers who have historically had good relationships with their banks but because of the severe financial restrictions imposed to many main stream lenders has become untenable.

Source: http://www.freshinvest.co.uk/blog/property-investment/property-developer-case-study/

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Bradley Wiggins joins the pantheon of the greats ? Tour de France 2012

By Matt Seaton guardian.co.uk This is a wonderful peice of journalism from someone who throughly deserves to write Bradley Wiggins eulogy; what Wiggins has done deserves such writing. There were more than a few people, myself included, who privately thought … Continue reading

Source: http://www.pensionforecast.info/bradley-wiggins-joins-the-pantheon-of-the-greats-tour-de-france-2012-2/

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Life expectancy & Pensions

We are living longer. Source: http://www.lse.co.uk/blogs/expert/resident-ifa-blog/gtvm0k/ compare pension

Source: http://www.annuityratesuk.info/life-expectancy-pensions-4/

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Bradley Wiggins joins the pantheon of the greats ? Tour de France 2012

By Matt Seaton guardian.co.uk This is a wonderful peice of journalism from someone who throughly deserves to write Bradley Wiggins eulogy; what Wiggins has done deserves such writing. There were more than a few people, myself included, who privately thought … Continue reading

Source: http://henrytapper.com/2012/07/22/bradley-wiggins-joins-the-pantheon-of-the-greats-tour-de-france-2012/

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Where?s your winter retreat?

With summer coming to a close, where are you going to be jetsetting off to this winter to get away from what is already being named a “brutal” winter??? With snow forecast as early as next month (October) I can see why many of the destinations causing a buzz at the moment are those with [...]

Source: http://www.freshinvest.co.uk/blog/overseas-property-investment/where%e2%80%99s-winter-retreat/

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Friday, 27 July 2012

Pensions & the Self-employed

The Treasury are toying with the limits for Pension contributions.

Source: http://www.lse.co.uk/blogs/expert/resident-ifa-blog/ul1fon/

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What government broke, government cannot fix

Many believe that the housing boom and Great Recession were the result of human greed and the supposed deregulation of financial markets, both of which thereby demonstrate the failure of free market capitalism. However, the real causes of the boom and bust are to be found not in free markets, but in the misguided policies of politicians and central bankers. We should not compound the errors of the boom by thinking more government intervention is the cure.

Read the full blog post here

Source: http://www.iea.org.uk/blog/what-government-broke-government-cannot-fix

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The Untouchables?

In an earlier life I was the Legal Director of the Occupational Pensions Regulatory Authority, the predecessor body to the current Pension Regulator. One of the issues which took up a considerable amount of management and investigatory time concerned a scam called ‘Pension Liberation’. It worked like this.
Gullible people desperate for cash would be [...]

Source: http://www.pensionlawyerblog.com/pensions-untouchable

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Mystery bird: European robin, Erithacus rubecula | @GrrlScientist

This familiar European mystery bird is associated with a lot of folklore

European robin, Erithacus rubecula (protonym, Motacilla Rubecula), Linnaeus, 1758, known by a flock of common names, such as the English robin, robin redbreast, and the robin, photographed in Novellana in the Principality of Asturias, the Kingdom of Spain (Europe).

Image: David �lvarez, 16 February 2010 (with permission, for GrrlScientist/Guardian use only) [velociraptorise].
Canon EOS 50D, 1/250 sec, f/14.0, 400 mm, iso:200

Question: This familiar European mystery bird is associated with a lot of folklore. Can you share some of this folklore? Can you name this bird's taxonomic family and species?

Response: This is an adult European robin, Erithacus rubecula, a small passerine that was recently removed from Turdidae, the thrush family, into Muscicapidae, the Old World flycatcher family. Currently, there are three species in the genus, Erithacus, but this will likely change soon. Thanks to convergent evolution, the Japanese robin, E. akahige, and the Ry?ky? robin, E. komadori, are currently placed in Erithacus, but recent research suggests they should be removed, leaving the European robin as the sole species in this genus.

Robins are mainly insectivorous birds that range widely over most of western Eurasia. They will also consume fruits and berries as well as seeds in winter. Some populations are migratory, whilst others are territorial residents (as in the British Isles). Robins construct a cup nest in a sheltered place, and are noted for some of the unusual and amusing nest site choices they make. For example, nests have been found on machinery, in flower pots and even on hats.

Notable for being quite tame in the British Isles, this bird will eat from one's hand. The reason for this confiding nature may be due to the close relationship between British gardeners and robins, as one commenter, jtappin, explains:

My understanding of the reason for their tameness in the British Isles as compared with continental Europe is that we lack earth-moving megafauna (wild boar) so they rely on humans to turn over the soil and expose the small invertebrates they eat. [link]

Robins are very popular, especially in British Isles, where they commonly appear in British folklore and as mascots for local sports clubs.

The Mystery Birds reference library:


South and Central America

Oceania and the South Pacific Ocean

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

You are invited to review all of the daily mystery birds by going to their dedicated graphic index page.

If you have bird images, video or audio files that you'd like to share with a large and (mostly) appreciative international audience here at the Guardian, feel free to contact me to learn more.

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

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Source: http://www.guardian.co.uk/science/grrlscientist/2012/jul/27/9

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Public Pension Investing in Europe

Market uncertainty typically paves the way for new investment strategies and what is happening abroad is no exception. In a recent article entitled "State pension eyes European chaos for opportunity," journalist Rob Varnon (Connecticut Post, May 23, 2012) writes that … Continue reading

Source: http://www.statepensionforecast.info/public-pension-investing-in-europe-3/

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Dr Who toy firm Character unveils litany of excuses as profits dematerialise

Company blames weather, Jubilee, Euro 2012, eurozone and Olympics for disappointing outcome Character Group, the toy developer whose brands include Dr Who, Bob the Builder and Zhu Zhu Pets, has issued a profit warning after poor UK sales. While its … Continue reading

Source: http://www.pensionsuk.info/dr-who-toy-firm-character-unveils-litany-of-excuses-as-profits-dematerialise/

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Is this The Death of Traditional Conveyancing?

Guest Blog by: Nikki Allen @nikki82allen Trainee conveyancer/paralegal So the excitement begins you have either made an offer on a property or someone has made an offer on your property. [...] Source: http://www.arcpropertysolicitors.com/blog/is-this-the-death-of-traditional-conveyancing/ stamp duty england stamp duty 2011 home … Continue reading

Source: http://www.pensionscalculator.info/is-this-the-death-of-traditional-conveyancing-4/

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?Pensions people can trust? ? a proper kick in the nuts.

If we could only lift up our eyes from our spreadsheets and do some strategic thinking, we’d be grateful that Labour are trying to clean up our act. Continue reading → Source: http://henrytapper.com/2012/07/17/pensions-people-can-trust-a-proper-kick-in-the-nuts/ pension calculator

Source: http://www.pensionforecast.info/pensions-people-can-trust-a-proper-kick-in-the-nuts-2/

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FactCheck: Is G4S trying to get paid twice?

“You essentially recruit the best people for your own organisation but instead of paying for the cost of vetting, interviewing, training and trialling them yourself, the taxpayer picks up the bill because those things are covered by the 2012 contract. … Continue reading

Source: http://www.retirementageuk.info/factcheck-is-g4s-trying-to-get-paid-twice/

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Seniors Get Fresh Start in The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel

Watching The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel movie for a second time in the last few weeks, I was struck anew by the import of its message that it is never too late to grab the brass ring. The story centers on a group of senior citizens who find themselves at a delapidated hotel in India on the heels of disappointments and regrets. The writing is fine. The music is upbeat. The acting inspires.

In one scene, a high court judge announces that "today is the day" for a new beginning. He promptly retires and heads off to India to search for a childhood friend. In another scene, a widow left with debt and memories of a shallow marriage offers that failure is not trying. Yet another of the film's characters announces that companionship with a local lovely has taken him to the top of the mountain because he is lonely no more. One character finds herself needed once again as she assumes a managerial role to get the rundown inn in good enough shape to attract paying customers. By doing so, she gives the young owner a chance to realize his dream of being successful, marrying the woman of his choice and making his mother proud.

At a time when so many are living longer than ever before, thinking about the possibilities of tomorrow is an important thing to do.

In "Boomers Get a Life After Retirement" (Psychology Today, February 2, 2011), Dr. Nancy K. Schlossberg describes six different categories of boomers with respect to life after retirement.

  • "Continuers" apply skills and interests that served them well before retirement but in a new way.
  • "Adventurers" retool for the job they always wanted but never had.
  • "Searchers" take a trial and error approach to identifying what works best for the golden years.
  • "Easy Glides" take it easy.
  • "Involved Spectators" apply what they learned during their respective careers to be helpful volunteers or develop hobbies.
  • "Retreaters" ponder what's next, removing themselves from social interaction, at least for awhile.

Wherever you are in life, whatever category of boomer you are or aspire to be, take a few minutes and see "The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel." You will laugh. You will cry. You will think about how important it is to keep moving forward. As the film's young hero says, "Everything will be alright in the end so if things are not alright, it is not the end." What a lovely sentiment.

Source: http://feeds.lexblog.com/~r/PensionRiskMatters/~3/wCReJ1ZDcLE/

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Work Based Pension Schemes Likely To Be Affected by New Regulations

Work based pension schemes are likely to be affected by new regulations coming in effect from 2012 according to UK’s No.1 SSAS provider Pension Practitioner. Com. Pension experts and SSAS administrators have predicted that employers are likely to be affected … Continue reading

Source: http://www.pensions-advisory-service.info/work-based-pension-schemes-likely-to-be-affected-by-new-regulations-22/

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Thursday, 26 July 2012

Twilight years & Pension woes?

The Annuity provider Partnership has released research (From ABI, Oxford Economics, and the Office for National Statistics figures) into the retirement prognosis for our current batch of over-50?s. Source: http://www.lse.co.uk/blogs/expert/resident-ifa-blog/uezrg8/ stamp duty on house stamp duty for house stamp duty … Continue reading

Source: http://www.the-pension-service.info/twilight-years-pension-woes-5/

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The Art of Wise Instruction

Just a shameless plug actually for a Zen themed Breakfast Seminar at which I, together with an Actuary and an Investment Manager will give some insights on how to get the best out of your pension advisors.
The Seminar will be held at the offices of GAM, 20 King Street, London SW1Y 6QY on 24th March [...]

Source: http://www.pensionlawyerblog.com/the-art-of-wise-instruction

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NHS pension scheme under review

The Department of Health has given people until 21 October to respond to its consultation on the NHS pension scheme. The consultation was in response to an Independent Public Service Pensions Commission led by Lord Hutton which concluded that a … Continue reading

Source: http://www.statepensionforecast.info/nhs-pension-scheme-under-review-10/

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Seniors Get Fresh Start in The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel

Watching The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel movie for a second time in the last few weeks, I was struck anew by the import of its message that it is never too late to grab the brass ring. The story centers on a … Continue reading

Source: http://www.pensionscalculator.info/seniors-get-fresh-start-in-the-best-exotic-marigold-hotel-4/

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The Art of Wise Instruction

Just a shameless plug actually for a Zen themed Breakfast Seminar at which I, together with an Actuary and an Investment Manager will give some insights on how to get the best out of your pension advisors.
The Seminar will be held at the offices of GAM, 20 King Street, London SW1Y 6QY on 24th March [...]

Source: http://www.pensionlawyerblog.com/the-art-of-wise-instruction

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Ways to boost your practice revenue

I work with a number of medical practices across Worcestershire and the West Midlands and I am frequently asked to advise on practical ways to improve profitability. There are a number of changes that a general practice can make to help increase revenue and overall profits.

Some ways to increase your profits include:

read more

Source: http://nhslocal.nhs.uk/blogs/jeremy-syree/2011/08/ways-boost-your-practice-revenue

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Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Property Developer Case Study

We were contacted by a Liverpool based property developer who owned various sites across the city but because of the lack of bank funding available was unable to build these sites out. This situation is rampant with small ? medium … Continue reading

Source: http://www.iiht.info/property-developer-case-study/

the pension service pension release annuity inheritance tax pension calculator

FactCheck: Back to the front line as police cuts bite

“The Met’s budget shortfall accounts for the lion’s share of a �302m gap nationally. It’s not clear where the money will come from and more job losses can’t be ruled out.” Source: http://blogs.channel4.com/factcheck/factcheck-back-to-the-front-line-as-police-cuts-bite/10877 drawdown state pension forecast uk state pension … Continue reading

Source: http://www.pensionforecast.info/factcheck-back-to-the-front-line-as-police-cuts-bite-3/

pensions calculator ill health retirement the pension service pension release annuity

How S.S.A.S. can help extract cash from your property with tax relief

A Pension Practitioner.Com S.S.A.S. can help you cut tax and extract cash from your property without a remortgage whilst getting tax relief. After regulated advice you transfer your old pension into your SSAS, account. Your scheme then purchases equity in … Continue reading

Source: http://www.annuitycomparison.info/how-s-s-a-s-can-help-extract-cash-from-your-property-with-tax-relief-6/

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As Ben Elton might say?

?…and now for a little bit of Politics?, or words to that effect. Source: http://www.lse.co.uk/blogs/expert/resident-ifa-blog/s6upa0/ annuity inheritance tax pension calculator nhs pension pension forecast

Source: http://www.retirementcalculatoruk.info/as-ben-elton-might-say-14/

annuity inheritance tax pension calculator nhs pension pension forecast

Fiddling with Housing Benefit won?t solve the cost explosion

The previous government made the mistake of trying to reduce poverty without paying attention to the supply side factors driving up the basic cost of living. It churned out billions in tax credits and Housing Benefit, while at the same … Continue reading

Source: http://www.the-pension-service.info/fiddling-with-housing-benefit-wont-solve-the-cost-explosion-3/

uk state pension pension lump sum pension transfer retirement age uk retirement calculator

Kew the Music 2012 has kicked off with a bang!

Kew the Music 2012 has officially begun and is in full swing. Tuesday saw more than 5,000 dedicated fans turn up for Status Quo, undeterred by the rain. Status Quo were supported by The Straits who performed all the classic … Continue reading

Source: http://www.illhealthretirement.info/kew-the-music-2012-has-kicked-off-with-a-bang/

pension forecast pensions uk iht annuity rates stakeholder pensions

Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Absense due to weather- do staff get paid?

Many employees and employers alike will be wondering whether staff will be getting paid if they are unable to get to work due to bad weather conditions. This unfortunately has no straight-forward answer and we look at the different scenarios. … Continue reading

Source: http://www.pensionscalculator.info/absense-due-to-weather-do-staff-get-paid-24/

state pension forecast uk state pension pension lump sum pension transfer retirement age uk

Completion draws nearer in Barbados!

As completion of our beautiful apartment in Barbados gets closer and closer, I thought I would share some of the latest news on this fantastic Barbados Property Investment with any prospective purchasers. As you know, if you are reading this, we are a property investment company based in the UK and from our many years [...]

Source: http://www.freshinvest.co.uk/blog/overseas-property-investment/completion-draws-nearer-barbados/

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TUC Member Trustee Network annual conference

Taking the long view: Effective pension trusteeship in uncertain times. The TUC Member Trustee Network annual conference. Friday 27 June 2008, Congress House, London. Global economic turbulence, increasing regulatory and legal burdens, greater longevity and legislative change: these are uncertain … Continue reading

Source: http://www.pension-calculator.info/tuc-member-trustee-network-annual-conference-9/

pensions calculator ill health retirement the pension service pension release annuity

All I want for Christmas

This will be my last blog this year so I thought I?d share my Christmas list with you.� Sadly, as the announcement of the government?s final offer this week made painfully clear, Danny Alexander is not Santa Claus, so I?m not holding my breath. First though, I?d like you to make a New Year?s Resolution.�� [...]

Source: http://blogs.bma.org.uk/pensions/2011/12/22/all-i-want-for-christmas/

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Pension scheme trustees ? when to challenge the employer

One of the difficult questions we get asked is – how far do trustees have to go in checking how employers exercise their powers under pension scheme’s rules?� Normally trustees can accept what the employer says at face value ? and indeed many schemes’ rules tell them to do just that.� They routinely do it [...]

Source: http://www.pensionstalk.co.uk/trustees/pension-scheme-trustees-%e2%80%93-when-to-challenge-the-employer/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=pension-scheme-trustees-%25e2%2580%2593-when-to-challenge-the-employer

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Was 1976 really the best year? A review of Seasons in the Sun by Dominic Sandbrook

A few years ago, the New Economics Foundation declared 1976 to be the UK’s happiest year since the war but the think tank must have used a strange index because the diaries and letters of those who lived through it are soaked in the darkest pessimism. Sure enough, the New Economics Foundation prioritised income equality, resource depletion and ‘public sector investment’ as measures of well-being, but these were little valued in an era of stagflation, IRA atrocities and endless industrial action.

Read the full blog post here

Source: http://www.iea.org.uk/blog/was-1976-really-the-best-year-a-review-of-seasons-in-the-sun-by-dominic-sandbrook

state pension forecast uk state pension pension lump sum pension transfer retirement age uk

Overseas Property, is it the little things that matter?

What really attracts people to purchase an overseas property, apart from location, price, and dimensional suitability? I would argue that it is normally the LOVE factor. Most people fall in love with the property they want to purchase and will … Continue reading

Source: http://www.drawdown.info/overseas-property-is-it-the-little-things-that-matter-7/

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