Thursday, 31 May 2012

Illiquid or bust?

Working out who exactly owes what to whom in the eurozone is an increasingly difficult job. Money is pouring out of Greece and now, it would appear, Spain at a rapid rate. €700m apparently left Greek banks on Monday. This … Continue reading


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How boring!

I am off to see a Client tomorrow morning, to review their Investments. They are certainly not awkward, but not particularly ?engaged? all the same.


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Are your junior staff?s finances any business of yours?

Vicki's customers have unsecured debts, rental agreements, hangovers, STDs and attitude Continue reading


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SIPPs: What are they good for?

The Self-Invested Personal Pension (SIPP)...the clue is in the title.


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Pressure mounts on single parents to move off unemployment benefits, but where are the family-friendly jobs?

Over the last two years, austerity has tightened [...] Source: stamp duty on real estate stamp duty real estate real estate stamp duty hmrc stamp duty avoiding stamp duty


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Free Conveyancing Discount Code

How much do you ?like? Arc Property Solicitors? Do you like us enough to join the Arc Property Solicitors facebook page? Well that?s all you have to do to get [...] Source: stamp duty on land stamp duty land … Continue reading


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Wednesday, 30 May 2012

7 Reasons to Switch Your SSAS Provider Today

SSAS or Small Self-Administered Scheme (SSAS) is a type of pension scheme for businesses and entrepreneurs. Although SSAS is credible and has been present in the market for some time, it is still largely unknown among many small to medium sized business. As a result, the true potential of SSAS pension schemes has been overshadowed [...]


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Counting the cost of ?free? banking: in response to Andrew Bailey

Andrew Bailey, who will soon become chief regulator [...]


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Romney clinches GOP nomination amid Trump 'birther' talk - live

Donald Trump's 'birther' comments overshadow Mitt Romney's triumph after Texas GOP primary

5.49pm: And finally tonight, Mitt Romney is about to get endorsed by someone who believes Barack Obama is born in America:

Condoleezza Rice, potential vice presidential pick? Romney could do worse.

5.33pm: The clever Edward Luce of the Financial Times runs through the reasons why Mitt Romney might want support from the birtherific Donald Trump, and dismisses them all before concluding:

It is possible there is some complex psychological explanation as to why Mr Romney keeps doing this. None of the sane ones hold up.

5.20pm: The Fox & Friends video nasty plot thickens: the blog TVNewser runs this statement, suggesting that Fox News is backing away from the harshly negative video attacking Obama's term in office that ran this morning:

Update: A statement from Bill Shine, [Executive Vice President] of programming for Fox News: "The package that aired on FOX & Friends was created by an associate producer and was not authorized at the senior executive level of the network. This has been addressed with the show's producers."

That sound you can hear is an associate producer getting his or her ass kicked.

5pm: On the Fox & Friends video nasty mentioned earlier, the New York Times's Brian Stelter has wrung an intriguing comment from Fox News:

A spokeswoman for Fox News, which is run by the former Republican strategist Roger Ailes, did not respond to requests for interviews. However, when asked about Mr Ailes, she said, "Roger was not aware of the video."

At Politco, Dylan Byers calls it:

For all its blatantly conservative programming, Fox News does a pretty incredible job of swearing up and down that it's nonpartisan. But it's kind of impossible to see how you walk this one back.

4.39pm: Despite some speculation that the recall election in Wisconsin was getting closer, the latest poll today [pdf] shows that Governor Scott Walker retains a significant lead over his Democratic challenger Tom Barrett, with Walker leading by 52% to 45% among likely voters.

The election is next Tuesday ? and almost all the polls conducted by neutrals show Walker in the lead.

4.13pm: Lots of talk on the internets today about this strange four minute video that appeared this morning on Fox News's "Fox and Friends":

A brief fact check suggests some of the numbers being used are dodgy ? but more to the point, as an openly hostile attack on the Obama administration this is closer to a Mitt Romney super pac ad than cable news channel output. Even by Fox News's standards.

Media Matters for America ? as you might expect ? exhaustively fact-checks the clip here.

4pm: So when I was questioning whether Mitt Romney's birth certificate could be fake, it was a joke.

But the Atlantic's Elspeth Reeve has gone one step further and asked actual birthers ? the swivel-eyed types who dispute the legitimacy of Barack Obama's birth certificate ? what they think of Romney's birth certificate.

While some of them won't take the bait ? "Well I'm sure you Marxists will find some lies to tell about it," writes one in response ? some of the others, including the Birther Queen herself, Orly Taitz, are at least consistent about Romney's:

She is much more lenient with Romney, but he's still not off the hook. "Even though I do not have any evidence to show that there's a forgery in the copy provided by Romney," [Taitz] told us over the phone, "just to be impartial and even-handed I am asking that both candidates release the original documents."

3.31pm: The White House got itself into trouble with the people of Poland for President Obama's remark yesterday during the Medal of Freedom presentation ceremony.

In praising the second world war Polish resistance hero Jan Karski, Obama made a reference to "Polish death camps" ? meaning the sites of the Holocaust in occupied Poland and the creation of Nazi Germany. Tommy Vietor, a spokesman for the White House's National Security Council, apologised in a statement:

The president misspoke ? he was referring to Nazi death camps in German occupied Poland. We regret this misstatement, which should not detract from the clear intention to honour Mr Karski and those brave Polish citizens who stood on the side of human dignity in the face of tyranny.

3.10pm: At today's White House press briefing, spokesman Jay Carney says that Barack Obama called Mitt Romney to congratulate him on winning the GOP's presidential nomination. "It was very collegial and friendly. It was not particularly long," said Carney.

2.54pm: Basically, yes:

Crime? Ana Marie Cox, in her piece today, puts it like this:

Donald Trump's request for Obama's birth certificate (or his college transcripts, for that matter) are only the most ludicrous and high-profile versions of the kind of "let me see your license" bullshit that African Americans have to put up with every day.

2.23pm: It feels as if Donald Trump is almost daring Mitt Romney to slap him down, via Twitter:

One wonders exactly what post a grateful President Romney will reward Donald Trump with after the election ? US ambassador to Twatistan?

2.08pm: The Guardian's Ana Marie Cox has a reflective and thoughtful piece on the different natures of Barack Obama and Mitt Romney, as expressed by their presidential campaigns and politics:

Romney seems genuinely not to understand that people are prepared to think the worst of him, and do the worst to him. His protestations to criticism almost always fall along the lines of, "Oh, come on, you don't mean to think I meant to kill the dog/fire the workers/employ the illegals." For Pete's sake, he's running for office!

1.45pm: This is very good: a site named Politiwoops, billed as "deleted tweets from politicians," from the Sunlight Foundation:

Sure, we all tweet things we don't mean to share, but now politicians have no way to hide them. Discover tweets that your politicians shared and then promptly deleted.

1.30pm: Donald Trump asks the real questions:

Let's see. Dinner with the Florida face-eating guy?

1.18pm: And another "Amercia" photo from AFP's Brendan Smialowski:

This time from the north of the White House on Pennsylvania Avenue.

1.09pm: AFP photographer Brendan Smialowski appears to be having some fun with the Mitt Romney "Amercia" iPhone app.

This one is from a Washington DC metro station near the White House. The fallen newspaper stand is a charming touch.

My Guardian colleagues have produced this excellent explanation of the 'Amercia' business.

12.50pm: Donald Trump shows no signs of ... backing down, rational thought, hubris, you name it:

As James I once quipped: "God's wounds! I will pull down my breeches and they shall see my arse."

12.28pm: A smart piece from the LA Times on how Joe Biden became more and more of an electoral asset for the Obama campaign:

Obama's reelection effort will depend heavily on Biden as "Middle Class Joe" ? playing up his roots in Scranton, Pennsylvania, and Claymont, Delaware, vouching for the president to wary blue-collar voters. He's particularly needed in a string of majority-white counties in Ohio, Pennsylvania and other battleground states where Hillary Rodham Clinton bested Obama in the 2008 primaries. It's familiar territory for him. Last campaign, Biden held more events in Ohio than in any other state.

This is not necessarily turf ? or a voting bloc ? that the Obama campaign expects to win. But they need to keep Mitt Romney's margin down. If Biden can win over enough culturally conservative, blue-collar voters to push Obama's percentage from the low 30s to the high 30s in counties where the Obama-Biden ticket lagged behind John Kerry's 2004 numbers, that would be enough to win Ohio, a senior official with the Ohio campaign said.

12.04pm: A cracking observation from the New Yorker on Donald Trump:

There are some people who, having been born on third base, stand there believing they hit a triple. Donald Trump was born on third base and thinks he invented baseball.

(My colleagues and I are trying to think of a British equivalent for the "born on third base" putdown ? but we can't.)

11.45pm: In the Texas Senate showdown, the Tea Party and Sarah Palin have another chance to scalp an establishment Republican ? if Ted Cruz can overcome the cards stacked against him in July's run-off with David Dewhurst.

The pollsters at PPP think Cruz has a slim but significant chance:

I think it's going to end up being a lot closer than that though, and think Cruz even has a modest chance to win. It's all about turnout and enthusiasm. We found last week that 49% of Cruz's supporters were 'very excited' about voting for him. Only 27% of Dewhurst's expressed the same sentiment. Among that most enthusiastic group of voters Cruz led Dewhurst 42-37 for yesterday's primary, and trailed only 48-46 in a hypothetical runoff contest. It's hard to say what turnout will be in July but assuming it's lower than it was yesterday that will work to Cruz's advantage due to the passion of his supporters.

11.15am: By the way, the Romney campaign really did release Mitt Romney's certificate of live birth last night. That part was real, as is the image.

Here's how Reuters covered it:

Finally, there is definitive proof: The presidential candidate was born in the United States, and his father was not.

See what they've done there? Hilarious: "Yes, Republican Mitt Romney appears eligible to be president, according to a copy of Romney's birth certificate released to Reuters by his campaign."

10.51am: There is a serious point about Mitt Romney's awkward dance around Donald Trump's birther nonsense:

Summed up here eloquently by Doug Mataconis.

10.36am: Last night ? under the cover of darkness ? the Mitt Romney campaign published what it claims to be a birth certificate for "Willard Mitt bin Romney".

As we can plainly see, this is obviously a forgery, and Donald Trump and Sheriff Joe Arpaio need to get right on it. Here are the five key signs:

1. This is clearly not a birth certificate at all. It's something called a "Certificate of Live Birth" ? which suggests the obvious question: where is the birth certificate?

2. This is only the "short form" of the certificate and that is plainly inadequate. Why won't Mitt Romney publish his "long form" birth certificate? What does he have to hide?

3. Notice that the "date of birth" is listed as March 12, 1947 ? but the so-called "certificate" was filed on March 17, 1947. How can Mitt Romney explain this mysterious five day gap during which time he may (or may not) have been smuggled in from Canada? ? the foreign country bordering on Michigan.

4. Using my computer I note that this "certificate" image is labeled: "Adobe Photoshop JPEG file". Clear signs of a forgery?

5. "Father's birthplace: Mexico". Come on, do I have to paint you a picture for this one?

To be clear, none of these obvious errors, omissions and forgery are evidence that Mitt Romney was born abroad and has engaged in a decades-long conspiracy to conceal his foreign birth ? we are merely asking questions. And putting words in italics for sinister effect. That's all. Over to you, Donald.

10.17am: While Mitt Romney's win in Texas was entirely predictable, the US Senate primary result certainly was not.

David Dewhurst received 45% of the GOP vote, forcing him into a run-off with Ted Cruz, who received just 34% ? but who now has the momentum given that Dewhurst was confidently expected to get more than 50% and so win the nomination outright.

Here's RedState's Erick Erickson explaining how the Republican party in Texas finds itself shaken up today:

It is hard to overstate just how extraordinary Ted Cruz's underdog entry into the Texas runoff is and just how the odds are still stacked against him unless conservatives rally quickly with lots of money.

David Dewhurst has been Lt Governor of Texas for more than a decade. He has massive name ID throughout the state. Ted Cruz started this race with a three or four percent showing in polling.

More so, Dewhurst is a multimillionaire who can write large sums of money to fund his campaign. Ted Cruz cannot. Texas has several of the most expensive media markets in the country and the state is too large to go door to door across the state.

10am: Mitt Romney has mathematically clinched the Republican presidential nomination, after winning enough delegates in last night's Texas primary ? but his triumph was overshadowed by the continuing presence of his most high profile supporter, Donald Trump.

Romney has even gone so far as to release a version of his own birth certificate ? perhaps a deliberate pander to the likes of Trump and the underground nation of "birthers" who dispute that Barack Obama was born in Hawaii, despite all evidence to the contrary.

Texas, meanwhile, had an exciting primary night of its own, with insurgent Tea Party-backed candidate Ted Cruz managing to force the heavily favoured David Dewhurst into a run-off for the GOP's US Senate nomination.

Here's a brief summary of the latest news from Ryan Devereaux:

? Mitt Romney clinched the Republican presidential nomination with a predictable win in Texas's primary while raising money with real estate tycoon, Donald Trump, in Las Vegas. Trump has played a public part by continually insisting president Obama was born in Kenya. Trump managed to avoid broaching the "birther" subject at Romney's fundraising event on Tuesday night, but earlier in the day he clashed with CNN host Wolf Blitzer, who challenged Trump's widely-discredited theory. Referring to the proof of Obama's birth in the United States, his Hawaiian birth certificate, Trump said "A lot of people do not think it was an authentic certificate." Blitzer informed Trump he was "beginning to sound a little ridiculous," to which Trump replied "I think you sound ridiculous."

? The other hitch for Romney came when the GOP's 2012 presidential candidate launched a new iPhone app aimed at supporters. Only one problem, the application spelled America as "Amercia", to widespread hilarity.

? Despite being one-upped on his big day, Romney has managed to launch a new line of attack on the Obama administration, arguing the president has squandered taxpayer dollars on companies such as Solyndra, which declared bankruptcy last year. The company had received $528m in federal loans. The strategy is seen as counter to the president's relentless attacks on Romney's record at the private equity firm, Bain Capital, where he oversaw the firing of scores of employees.

? Romney also ventured into foreign policy yesterday, issuing a statement in support of the mass expulsion of Syrian diplomats by the US and other countries to protest the weekend massacre of dozens of civilians, including children. Romney contended that president Obama "lack of leadership" had created a "policy of paralysis" which has resulted in the death of an estimated 10,000 Syrians. Romney believes the United States should "arm the opposition so they can defend themselves" against the regime of president Bashar al Assad. The White House, meanwhile, supports convincing Syria's allies, Russia and China, to pressure Assad into stopping the violence and believes supporting Syrian opposition forces with weapons would lead to more violence. © 2012 Guardian News and Media Limited or its affiliated companies. All rights reserved. | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds


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Pension and Corporation Tax planning

According to Companies House, ...


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Thirty years of fiscal drag

It might be thought that a succession of ‘tax cutting’ governments from 1979 and a government pledged to reduce inequality from 1997 would have led to a huge increase in the personal tax allowance so that we could keep more … Continue reading


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The row over ?fire at will? exposes coalition tensions

The row over the Beecroft report today is fascinating because the main recommendation – allowing bosses to fire at will – has polarised political opinion. In Westminster there is a very clear divide. There are those who think this would … Continue reading


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Exports break records..again


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Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Community right to challenge: what it means for your organisation

Voluntary and community organisations have an opportunity to deliver local services ? here is what you need to know The community right to challenge (CRC) could be the trigger for more local authority services to be delivered by organisations other … Continue reading


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FTSE350 High Yield

There has been a lot of conjecture recently around what better approaches to take during the recent market volatility. Source: compare my pension


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Greek crisis: never mind the drachma ? look out for our banks

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Sign the e-petition now

Sorry for the lack of blogs over the last couple of weeks but we have been busier than Harry Redknapp?s legal team. Fortunately, like Harry?s football team, we have a lot of very skilful and hard-working individuals. Since BMA members … Continue reading


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Hitting you where it hurts

You?ve probably been keeping up with the details of all the many nasty changes that the government is planning for your pension but until this month you may not have actually felt them. I?m guessing that if you have now … Continue reading


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The growing financial advice divide

This time last week, I was conscious of an evening appointment to come, having already visited a gentleman in the morning.


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Monday, 28 May 2012

Fuel poverty numbers falling!

Well, that?s not a headline you expected to read. But that is the official story, as charted in the 2012 Annual Report on Fuel Poverty Statistics, published this week (17 May). The number of households in fuel poverty in England … Continue reading


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All I want for Christmas

This will be my last blog this year so I thought I?d share my Christmas list with you.� Sadly, as the announcement of the government?s final offer this week made painfully clear, Danny Alexander is not Santa Claus, so I?m not holding my breath. First though, I?d like you to make a New Year?s Resolution.�� [...]


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Residential Bulletin Key items you may have missed 28 May

Welcome to the latest issue of Residential Bulletin, a selection of freely available online items relating to residential issues. UK Housing Market Mainstream A round up of recent house price results records continuing decreases in prices as illustrated…(read more) Source: … Continue reading


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Is Plan A(usterity) the best way forward?

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Hutton speaks?and makes sense

We have now had the full report which did not fundamentally differ from the Interim Report issued at the back end of last year. Workers will now have to work to 65, pay higher contributions and the final salary scheme will become a career average scheme, meaning that rather than a final salary figure being [...]


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The memo that renews pressure on Hunt and Cameron over BSkyB

The highlight of this afternoon’s evidence by Adam Smith, the former adviser to Jeremy Hunt, was the publication of a memo sent by the culture secretary to the PM before he gained responsibility for the decision on whether to let … Continue reading


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Seniors Get Fresh Start in The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel

Watching The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel movie for a second time in the last few weeks, I was struck anew by the import of its message that it is never too late to grab the brass ring. The story centers on a group of senior citizens who find themselves at a delapidated hotel in India on the heels of disappointments and regrets. The writing is fine. The music is upbeat. The acting inspires.

In one scene, a high court judge announces that "today is the day" for a new beginning. He promptly retires and heads off to India to search for a childhood friend. In another scene, a widow left with debt and memories of a shallow marriage offers that failure is not trying. Yet another of the film's characters announces that companionship with a local lovely has taken him to the top of the mountain because he is lonely no more. One character finds herself needed once again as she assumes a managerial role to get the rundown inn in good enough shape to attract paying customers. By doing so, she gives the young owner a chance to realize his dream of being successful, marrying the woman of his choice and making his mother proud.

At a time when so many are living longer than ever before, thinking about the possibilities of tomorrow is an important thing to do.

In "Boomers Get a Life After Retirement" (Psychology Today, February 2, 2011), Dr. Nancy K. Schlossberg describes six different categories of boomers with respect to life after retirement.

  • "Continuers" apply skills and interests that served them well before retirement but in a new way.
  • "Adventurers" retool for the job they always wanted but never had.
  • "Searchers" take a trial and error approach to identifying what works best for the golden years.
  • "Easy Glides" take it easy.
  • "Involved Spectators" apply what they learned during their respective careers to be helpful volunteers or develop hobbies.
  • "Retreaters" ponder what's next, removing themselves from social interaction, at least for awhile.

Wherever you are in life, whatever category of boomer you are or aspire to be, take a few minutes and see "The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel." You will laugh. You will cry. You will think about how important it is to keep moving forward. As the film's young hero says, "Everything will be alright in the end so if things are not alright, it is not the end." What a lovely sentiment.


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Time for action

By now you will know that at its recent emergency meeting BMA Council took the brave decision to ballot members on industrial action short of a strike. I say brave because this is of course a hugely difficult decision for … Continue reading


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Sunday, 27 May 2012

Say No to Workfare

The TUC?s new Charter on work experience and [...]


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Barbados ? Things are heating up!

Barbados, probably one of the most revered holiday destinations in the UK and arguably the world. The traditional busy period in Barbados tends to last from around the end of November to the end of January and with this, British Airways are advertising their Barbados winter holiday packages in order to convince some of those [...]


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The deeper causes of Britain?s economic stagnation

Mancur Olson is best known for his 1965 book, The Logic of Collective Action, in which he explained why small, concentrated interest groups are more likely to influence policy than large, dispersed groups. Olson’s work, together with that of other public choice … Continue reading


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How can you tell if your pension?s any good?

The Pension Play Pen�had a debate last November when we tried to set an order of importance on the six things that the Pension Regulator said , made for good DC pensions (outcomes as they call them). The top of … Continue reading


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Lets Keep It Civil

Avid readers of Professional Pensions may have seen an ariticle in the 6th September edition regarding the case of Waddy v Foster Wheeler (yes, THAT Foster Wheeler – just can’t seem to keep out of the pension press can it??). I was asked to comment on the case just as I was rising from a [...]


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Fuel poverty numbers falling!

Well, that?s not a headline you expected to read. But that is the official story, as charted in the 2012 Annual Report on Fuel Poverty Statistics, published this week (17 May). The number of households in fuel poverty in England … Continue reading


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Cost of Living: Time to write a letter to the poorest?

Today’s inflation figures brought another welcome fall in [...]


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The Art of Wise Instruction

Just a shameless plug actually for a Zen themed Breakfast Seminar at which I, together with an Actuary and an Investment Manager will give some insights on how to get the best out of your pension advisors.
The Seminar will be held at the offices of GAM, 20 King Street, London SW1Y 6QY on 24th March [...]


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How boring!

I am off to see a Client tomorrow morning, to review their Investments. They are certainly not awkward, but not particularly ?engaged? all the same. Source: stamp duty for houses housing stamp duty stamp duty housing stamp duty on … Continue reading


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Saturday, 26 May 2012

Why positive discrimination is irreversible

There are lots of good arguments against positive discrimination, be it through female quotas for company boards, quota systems in political institutions, affirmative action or otherwise. For a start, it is difficult to find any institution that exactly replicates the … Continue reading


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Get with the Rhythm?

After a bit of a break to recharge my pension batteries (lounging on a beach works wonders!!) normal service is resumed with a report of recent happenings in the pensionsphere.
I have just got back from a fantastic conference organised by Mallowstreet which was frankly unlike any pension conference I’ve ever been to. I loved the [...]


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Pensions are rubbish!

I visited a couple of Company Directors last week. It was my second visit; to present my Pensions recommendations to them. Source: stakeholder pensions uk retirement drawdown state pension forecast uk state pension Source: on dating sites facebook … Continue reading


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German model isn?t heaven, Faisal, but it beats British inequality!

Faisal Islam, Economics Editor of Channel 4 News, [...] Source: stamp duty bands stamp duty avoidance stamp duty reduction stamp duty scheme when do you pay stamp duty


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A policy for a lower exchange rate will not boost economic growth

A brief pamphlet has recently been published by Civitas, written by John Mills – ‘A Price that Matters’. This pamphlet makes the case that the UK should have an explicit policy for a lower exchange rate in order to ensure that Britain can export more, increase economic growth and generally pay its way in the world.

Read the full blog post here


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Friday, 25 May 2012

It?s PPF contingent asset season for pension schemes ? dust off the old and bring in the new

Christmas is over for another year and, with the last mince pie eaten and New Year’s resolution forgotten, everyone seems finally to have come back to work for a rest.� Sadly there won’t be much time to rest for those … Continue reading


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Pension scheme trustees ? when to challenge the employer

One of the difficult questions we get asked is – how far do trustees have to go in checking how employers exercise their powers under pension scheme’s rules?� Normally trustees can accept what the employer says at face value ? and indeed many schemes’ rules tell them to do just that.� They routinely do it [...]


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Could the Eurozone crisis mark the end of Type C contingent assets for Pension Protection Fund purposes?

Earlier this month Chris Jackson posted on the changes that have been made to PPF Type A guarantees under this year’s Pension Protection Fund levy determination, published in December 2011.� Whilst Type A guarantees are by far the most popular type of contingent asset for PPF purposes, we do have a number of clients who [...]


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Cheap as chips!

Life Insurance?money for old rope? Good value?


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Reading Jelf Employment Seminar: Book now!

FacebookTwitterDeliciousDiggStumbleUponAdd to favoritesEmailRSS Building on the massive popularity of our London events, the Jelf Employment Seminars are now taking to the road for the Summer! As usual will be fielding our range of expert educators, speaking on important topics of true relevance to … Continue reading


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GMC probes training value

Survey asks students to raise safety concerns


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Exports to surge in march of the makers


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FactCheck: The legal risks of Cameron?s alcohol strategy

couple of days after the budget, with rows raging about the "granny tax" and George Osborne's decision to help the super-rich by cutting the 50p rate, the PM had what seemed like a smart idea.

Number 10 decided to bring forward plans to increase the price of cheap alcohol, to tackle binge drinking and what David Cameron called "the mayhem on our streets".

According to Mr Cameron cheap booze is causing a "scourge of violence" - a million violent crimes and more than a million hospital admissions each year. Setting a minimum unit price (MUP) would, he promised, provide "a big part of the answer".

But I've found out that just four days before he made his announcement, he'd been warned by one of his own ministers that the policy could well be illegal. Was the PM right to go ahead or should he have listened to his colleague?


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Thursday, 24 May 2012

SSAS loans - Five conditions for the principal and associated companies

The rules state;

The maximum loan is 50% of net assets of the scheme at the time of the loan.

The loan is for a maximum period of five years.

The interest rate has to be a minimum of 1% over the average of six high-street bank base rates.

The capital and interest is repayable equally over the period [...]


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Not angry ? anymore; Elvis Costello at Bournemouth

Elvis Costello�has been kidding�us he isn’t angry since we were in nappies (well I was 16 when he issued�”My Aim is True“). I was�also 16 when I walked the length of the Holdenhurst�Rd to see him perform�on the Stiff Tour … Continue reading


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Pensions Champions courses: Summer Term 2008

This course will help union reps to: consider the basic pension environment, examining state pensions, occupational pensions, personal pensions and additional pensions become familiar with a range of resources, looking at published materials as well as that available on websites … Continue reading


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Could rising homelessness be a Cameron legacy?

As housebuilding figures show a sharp drop-off in the number of “starts” by housing associations, a critical report has been published by the National Housing Federation and Shelter. They claim that the government is not doing enough to get more … Continue reading


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Is ?bash business? a deliberate govt strategy?

Is the government in danger of handing over its reputation for being pro-business to Labour? William Hague’s message in yesterday’s Sunday Telegraph that businesses should “work harder” to promote growth was certainly bold. At a time when the economy is … Continue reading


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Employment Blackspots Update

The unemployment data released today shows that Clackmanshire [...]


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Who is Pension Practitioner .com?

If you are a mortgage provider, I.F.A., property developer, tax adviser or accountant; you� need to know that in a recent survey by Pension Professional Magazine, Pension Practitioner .com appeared head and shoulders above the competition for small self administered schemes (SSAS).

This select team of pension experts structure and administer various types of [...]


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Wednesday, 23 May 2012

CIT; your ABC of auto-enrolment!

CIT���� compliance�investment trust��your three steps to success on the road to tomorrow’s pension. Yes I know there are�a number of�ways of pronouncing that “C” but�if using a “sh”� helps you remember what I’m talking about-�I’ve no objection. Worse has been … Continue reading


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Fortune favours the brave

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Counterparty Credit Risk Guidance From Bank Regulators

On June 29, 2011, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and the Office of Thrift Supervision issued its latest thinking on derivatives trading by banks. "Interagency Supervisory Guidance on Counterparty Credit Risk Management" considers the role of senior management, methods to measure risk, ways to manage risk and model validation.

Given the increasing number of institutional investors that deploy derivatives - directly or indirectly via third party organizations - for return enhancement or risk minimization purposes, this twenty-six page document is worth a read. Anything that impacts the costs of major derivatives dealers is likely to have a trickle down impact on pensions, endowments, foundations and family offices.

The list below offers a preview of takeaways from the regulators' perspective.

  • Assessment of counterparty credit risk models should reflect their "conceptual soundness," along with "an ongoing monitoring process that includes verification of processes and benchmarking; and an outcomes-analysis process that includes backtesting."
  • Develop a comprehensive process surrounding bank monitoring of collateral.
  • Discuss how to control "wrong-way risk" which occurs "when the exposure to a particular counterparty is positively correlated with the probability of default of the counterparty itself."
  • Banks need to regularly measure the "largest counterparty-level impacts across portfolios, material concentrations within segments of a portfolio (such as industries or regions), and relevant portfolio-and counterparty-specific trends."

Pension fund investment committee members can use the guide to draft or add to an existing questionnaire for interviews they conduct with their asset managers, banks and consultants.


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Cheap as chips!

Life Insurance?money for old rope? Good value? Source: Pension Forecast Source: pension transfer retirement age uk retirement calculator annuity calculator pensions advisory service


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DVD Dave chillaxes happily along

There was a great deal of coverage in yesterday’s papers about the prime minister’s so-called “chillaxing”, details of which have emerged in an updated biography of Cameron to be published later this week. The PM loves playing “Fruit Ninja” on … Continue reading


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ERISA and Securities Litigation Snapshot -- Things You Can Do Now to Minimize CFO and Board Liability

In the last few years, pension funding levels and 401(k) account balances have fallen dramatically. New disclosure rules, volatile market conditions, investment complexity and mandatory cash contributions are only a few of the many challenges that are unlikely to go away. Not surprisingly, ERISA litigation continues to grow, along with lawsuits related to employee benefit plan governance. Personal liability claims against C-level executives and board members have become the normal.

Join FTI Consulting and the Securities Docket for a timely and informative webinar about the link between employee benefit plan management and shareholder value.

During this 60 minute live event, attendees will learn:

  • Why ERISA litigation claims against top executives and board members continue to grow
  • How securities litigation and ERISA filings are related and what it means for corporate directors and officers
  • What ERISA liability insurance underwriters want clients to demonstrate in terms of best practices
  • What steps the Board and top executives can take to minimize their liability
  • What investment fiduciary bad practices to avoid
  • When to get the CFO and board members involved

The distinguished panel includes (a) Attorney Jim Baker, ERISA litigator of the year for 2012 and a partner with Baker & McKenzie (b) Ms. Rhonda Prussack, EVP and Fiduciary Liability Product Manager for Chartis (c) Mr. Gerry Czarnecki, governance guru and State Farm Insurance board member and (d) Dr. Susan Mangiero, Managing Director with FTI Consulting’s Forensic and Litigation Consulting Practice in New York.

To register for this March 7, 2012 webcast, click here.



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New Regulations About ERISA Plan Fee Disclosures

According to a July 13, 2011 press release from the U.S. Department of Labor, a final regulation is now in place regarding retirement plan fee disclosures. Pursuant to ERISA Section 408(b)(2), a rule issued in interim form on July 16, 2010, will now be made permanent with an effective date of April 1, 2012. The goal is to enhance transparency about how much money is paid to pension plans by service providers.

Click here to read the official announcement. Click here to read 29 CFS Part 2550, "Reasonable Contract or Arrangement Under Section 408(b)(2) - Fee Disclosure; Interim Final Rule," issued on July 16, 2010.

Given the lawsuits on the topic of ERISA plan fees paid to service providers, it will be interesting to review disclosure results after full implementation occurs.


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