Saturday, 31 March 2012

A truth universally acknowledged??

Today’s big story of course is the Government green paper on the future of the basic state pension. Currently one of the lowest in the developed world it stands at a paltry �97.65 a week (assuming you have a full National Insurance record) rising to a minimum income guraranteed top up figure of �132.60 if [...]


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Keith Olbermann is fired by Current TV and immediately promises to sue

Eliot Spitzer slated to replace Olbermann as host as notoriously rocky 18-month relationship with Current comes to an end

A New York artist, Roc Cayard, put it most pithily: "Keith Olberman," he tweeted, omitting the final "n" of the notoriously cantankerous TV presenter's name, "is now part of the 99%".

And so Olbermann now is, having been unceremoniously dumped as primetime newscaster by Current TV, Al Gore's liberal television channel. Barely a year after he was taken on to rejuvenate the ailing cable channel, Current's owners made clear that they had had enough of the endless bickering between them and their errant star.

In an open letter posted on the Current TV website, former US vice-president Gore and his co-founder Joel Hyatt did little to disguise their feelings towards Olbermann. They wrote that they had created the channel in the spirit of "respect, openness, collegiality, and loyalty to our viewers. Unfortunately these values are no longer reflected in our relationship with Keith Olbermann and we have ended it."

Olbermann, being Olbermann, chose to reply in a series of tweets which he streamed every 30 seconds. Olbermann being Olbermann, he was also pretty outspoken.

"The claims against me in Current's statement are untrue and will be prosed so in the legal actions I will be filing against them presently," he tweeted. "In due course, the truth of the ethics of Mr Gore and Mr Hyatt will come out."

For good measure he added, in his 10th tweet, that his decision to join the channel had been a "sincere and well-intentioned gesture on my part, but in retrospect a foolish one".

Olbermann's departure hardly came as a surprise to New York's medialand. He'd previously burnt his bridges with MSNBC, which he left abruptly last year.

Then relations between Olbermann and Current reached rock bottom in January when he virtually went on strike, refusing to present election night shows in protest at the production glitches his 8pm show, Countdown, was experiencing.

They got through that little difficulty, but Olbermann expressed his disdain in other ways by no longer wearing a tie for the camera and growing a beard.

"There was always stress between Keith and his lawyers, and Current and their lawyers. They weren't on the same page," said someone familiar with the channel. "Keith is Keith. There are few people he gets along with."

His replacement will be a man who has also had a troubled track record: Eliot Spitzer. At least Spitzer, who was himself famously argumentative when he was New York governor, appears to have acquired a degree of humility since his fall from grace in a prostitution scandal.

Today's events leave two intriguing questions hanging over Manhattan: can Spitzer - who was not hugely well received critically for his shortlived CNN show Parker Spitzer ? revive the fortunes of Gore's television venture?

And will Olbermann ? who has just lost a $50m five-year deal ? find a way to claw himself back into the 1%? © 2012 Guardian News and Media Limited or its affiliated companies. All rights reserved. | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds


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Overseas Property, is it the little things that matter?

What really attracts people to purchase an overseas property, apart from location, price, and dimensional suitability? I would argue that it is normally the LOVE factor. Most people fall in love with the property they want to purchase and will normally go with the one that just feels right when they go to view it, [...]


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Showcasing Birmingham's New Design Radicals


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How S.S.A.S. can help extract cash from your property with tax relief

A Pension Practitioner.Com S.S.A.S. can help you cut tax and extract cash from your property without a remortgage whilst getting tax relief.
After regulated advice you transfer your old pension into your SSAS, account. Your scheme then purchases equity in the property (Subject to independent valuation.). This releases cash to you. A further [...]


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?What a country wants to make it richer, is never consumption, but production?

In 1844, and indeed all the way up until 1936, the idea of using government spending as a stimulus was maintained only by economic cranks. Now, of course, it is the mainstream. 

Read the full blog post here


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Forever Delayed: Business Investment

Since the Budget last week I’ve blogged a [...] Source: pensions uk iht annuity rates stakeholder pensions uk retirement Source: pension lump sum pension transfer retirement age uk retirement calculator annuity calculator


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Pension tax allowance

The latest draft legislation has come out on pensions, which covers a few different areas, but I'll just talk about annual allowance here.

The proposal is to reduce the annual allowance from £255,000 down to £50,000. This is the maximum you can contribute during the tax year to a UK pension scheme and includes both individual and employer contributions.

We need to see the final legislation, but in principle there are two main areas of planning that are interesting: 

  1. For controlling directors who are not classed as high earners (£130,000+), there is an opportunity to make a final contribution of £255,000 from the employer. This is the last opportunity for this level of contribution, but should be considered against the backdrop of the lifetime allowance and existing provision.
  2. For those that are high earners and caught by anti forestalling, from 6 April 2011, you will be able to make a maximum contribution of £50,000 and gain tax relief at your highest marginal rate. There is the opportunity to carry forward unused allowances from the previous three years. If your earnings are to continue at a high level, there is a case for deferring individual pension contributions for this tax year and using carry forward to get 50% tax relief as opposed to 40%.

As always any kind of simplification results in more complexity - I ve not even started on final salary schemes - and generally as ever with pensions there is the need for good advice.

Anne McClean is a Chartered Financial Planner at Nightingale Associates. The views given in this blog are personal to the author.  If you would like to discuss the contents of this post with Anne you can call her on 020 7427 5860.

M&H LLP trading as Nightingale Associates is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority.


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New foundations for growth already look shaky

Over at new blog Shifting Grounds Duncan has [...] Source: what are the stamp duty thresholds stamp duty on real estate stamp duty real estate real estate stamp duty hmrc stamp duty


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Pension and Corporation Tax planning

According to Companies House, ...


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A breath of fresh air in the student property market

Most people reading this will know that we are an advocate of the student property market here at Fresh Invest. With good management and an attractive property you can benefit from very high and secure rental yields. With student demand … Continue reading


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Redistributing university places doesn?t disguise the fact this is a very strange higher education policy

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Friday, 30 March 2012

Llana Beach Hotel and Spa ? Cape Verde

Llana Beach Hotel and Spa in Cape Verde is now nearing release as Dunas Beach Resort gets closer to becoming completely sold out and Tortuga Beach Resort strives on as a top class holiday destination in Cape Verde. Llana Beach Hotel and Spa will be The Resort Group?s third development in Sal, Cape Verde and [...]


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Statutory Residence Test and Remittance Basis Change Consultations issued

The framework for the long awaited statutory residence test is set out in the consultation document issued on Friday 17 June. In a different document of the same day, the proposed changes to the remittance basis rules were also announced. I am pleased to say that both documents are clear and straightforward.  So what are the main points?

The residence test is to be comprised of three parts: Part A Conclusive Non Residence: Part B Conclusive residence and Part C which operates as a tie breaker. The test relies on only four factors other than days of presence which removes nonsense about sports clubs and Wimbledon fortnight etc. The connection factors are:

  • Accommodation
  • Family residence
  • Substantive UK employment or self employment
  • Past residence position

In the tie breaker the more connecting factors with the UK, the fewer days can be spent here before triggering residence. It will also be a slightly different test for leavers than arrivers so it will be a little more difficult to be treated as leaving the UK unless you actually significantly reduce your links here. The tests very broadly aim to encapsulate the current position so that there should be few people where the status changes, but we will be considering all of our clients and explaining to them whether and how they will be affected. It is intended that the new rules will apply for the 2012/2013 tax year.

The Non Dom paper sets out the rules for a tax free remittance to the UK to invest in UK business. It is intended that any remittance to invest in a UK trading or commercial letting business will not attract a tax charge. The consultation paper seeks views as to whether listed companies should be included and whether only new shares should be included or existing ones as well. Only companies will be permitted - not partnerships or trusts but overseas vehicles will be included as possible remitters without penalty. The paper also includes proposals for the simplification of foreign currency and nominated income bank accounts the two last areas have been the subject of much criticism from the Tax Faculty and others in representations I have been involved with. It is very pleasing to see a government response taking our views into account and our initial reaction is a positive one. We will be reviewing the papers in detail and formally responding to the consultation in due course as well as expanding on the analysis of the proposals.

If anyone has any comments or questions please don't hesitate to get in touch.

Lisa is an acknowledged expert on the tax consequences of offshore trusts, and residence and domicile issues and leads Mercer & Hole’s specialist team that focuses on our non UK domiciled clients. She is Chairman of the ICAEW Tax Faculty’s, Private Client Committee and within that leads the working party on non domicile and residence matters.

Lisa Spearman is a tax adviser and a partner at Mercer & Hole. The views given in this blog are personal to the author, if you would like to discuss the contents of this post with Lisa you can call her on 020 7353 1597.

Email Lisa Spearman



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Getting the measure of fuel poverty

�The idea that a household is in fuel poverty if it needs to spend more than 10% of its income to keep adequately warm – the traditional definition of fuel poverty – is flawed.�� The 10% just happened to be … Continue reading


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My new blog on tax and pension advice for healthcare professionals

Last Wednesday, I attended the ICAEW accountancy institute Healthcare Seminar of which I am the chairman.

The seminar was even more passionate than usual due to the recent and forthcoming changes to financial legislation for both healthcare professionals and citizens alike.

Over the next few weeks, I will advise on some of the relevant topics covered during the seminar.

These areas will include:

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ISA Season...but why?

The clocks have sprung forward, the nights are much lighter...a sure sign that ?ISA Season? is upon us.


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Greener than thou: authoritarian environmentalism vs. authoritarian environmentalism

Earlier this month, David Cameron received two open letters from prominent environmentalists, sending conflicting messages. 

Read the full blog post here


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Liberalisation is the key to growth ? in Asia and the West


Whilst western economies have recently been experiencing recession and stagnation, many countries in Asia have enjoyed rapid economic growth, which has been sustained over several decades. Free-market reforms have been the driving force behind this success story. Liberalisation programmes have enabled Asian business to enter global markets and increasing international trade has been a key vehicle of development. In essence, Asian governments have learnt the lesson that Western governments appear to have forgotten: economic liberalisation brings higher living standards by breaking down artificial barriers that restrict the flow of goods, services and capital.

Read the full blog post here


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And the winner is?no one

Once again Europe has spoken and this time it’s the women who will pay – well sort of. The latest diktat from the ECJ has declared that it will no longer be legal for insurance companies to use sex based … Continue reading


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UK-Swiss Tax Agreement

There has been a lot of press coverage recently concerning this historic agreement designed to combat offshore tax evasion. This note sets out the main points of the agreement which was formally signed on 6 October and will come into … Continue reading


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A busy day?

Yesterday was jam-packed. You couldn?t take your eyes off it for a second! Source: drawdown state pension forecast uk state pension pension lump sum pension transfer


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Thursday, 29 March 2012

Scotland?s options on sovereignty

Accompanies feature 'Growing apart'


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Satisfaction or Fairness?

We had a Financial Services Authority (FSA) ?Treating Customers Fairly? (TCF) telephone assessment today. Source: commercial property stamp duty stamp duty for commercial property stamp duty on home purchase revenue stamp duty house stamp duty uk Source: uk … Continue reading


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Get with the Rhythm?

After a bit of a break to recharge my pension batteries (lounging on a beach works wonders!!) normal service is resumed with a report of recent happenings in the pensionsphere. I have just got back from a fantastic conference organised … Continue reading


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Satisfaction or Fairness?

We had a Financial Services Authority (FSA) ?Treating Customers Fairly? (TCF) telephone assessment today. Source: commercial property stamp duty stamp duty for commercial property stamp duty on home purchase revenue stamp duty house stamp duty uk Source: uk … Continue reading


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NHS Pension Scheme - find the new tiered employee contribution rates

We have received the new tiered employee contribution rates for 2011/12. If there is to be a change to the rates it will apply to officer (and practice staff) new joiners and to practitioners (and non-GP providers). NHS employers will be informed of any changes as soon as NHS Pensions is made aware.     

The guidance is split into three parts and applies to members of both the 1995 section and the 2008 section of The NHS Pension Scheme (England & Wales).

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Supreme court healthcare hearings day three ? Wednesday 28 March

The final day of hearings in the ‘Obamacare’ case at the supreme court ? plus the day’s campaign 2012 news 5.22pm: Here’s a sampling of more commentary as supreme court oral arguments on healthcare have wrapped up. What do the … Continue reading


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We console ourselves when we grieve for Fabrice

The two questions Fabrice Muamba�is reported�to have asked as he came out of his coma were ?did we lose?? and� ?why did they stop the match??. For someone who has been through as much as Muamba did in his childhood, … Continue reading


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Annuity search

In one of the TV breaks tonight, a new Paul Whitehouse ad popped up. You know the ones - good characters, quite watchable...nicely funding his pension plan.


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Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Leaving it late

An Accountant referred a 74-year old to me in February. After a deal of procrastination, they are now keen to arrange their Pension income?with 3 weeks until they reach 75. Why is this crucial? Source: stamp duty for commercial … Continue reading


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Now more than ever we need to remember why universal benefits are important

Now more than ever we need to remember why universal benefits are important.


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Verify your Motivations before You Choose Pension Release

Generally, UK pension holders contribute to their personal pension fund or old Company pension fund for the main purpose of having lump sum cash or income when they finally retire. Whilst this may be the primary purpose of pension funds, … Continue reading


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Absense due to weather- do staff get paid?

Many employees and employers alike will be wondering whether staff will be getting paid if they are unable to get to work due to bad weather conditions. This unfortunately has no straight-forward answer and we look at the different scenarios.

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Commercial Property Market Information Update ? recent key property online items you may have missed ? 23 March 2012

Welcome to this week’s Commercial Property Market Information Update , a selection of the 10 top free online items on commercial property and related topics including the business and economic background and covering both UK and international markets….(read more) Source: … Continue reading


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Australia?s Labor movement gets busy

During the couple of days the TUC’s leadership [...] Source: stakeholder pensions uk retirement drawdown state pension forecast uk state pension Source: drawdown state pension forecast uk state pension pension lump sum pension transfer


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Good intentions?

I?m working to the assumption that the readers of this Blog will be ?clued-up?, and so enjoy an ongoing relationship with an Independent Financial Adviser (IFA).


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Tax Free Cash

TAX FREE CASH can be yours if you have had a private or company pension, you are at least 55 years of age, or older and have �15000 in your pension fund. On each pension policy applicants can have up … Continue reading


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New Regulations About ERISA Plan Fee Disclosures

According to a July 13, 2011 press release from the U.S. Department of Labor, a final regulation is now in place regarding retirement plan fee disclosures. Pursuant to ERISA Section 408(b)(2), a rule issued in interim form on July 16, 2010, … Continue reading


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The Budget ? Healthcare

• Facebook • Twitter • Delicious • Digg • StumbleUpon • Add to favorites • Email • RSS At first glance, the budget does not appear to have created too many waves in the Healthcare sector.� Mr Osborne did however … Continue reading


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NAPF Manchester: Postcard from the edge

The Allen & Overy team (well, D�na Burstow and me) were in Manchester this week for the annual National Association of Pension Funds jamboree.� Very impressive it was too ? the greatest number of delegates, the most exhibitors and probably … Continue reading


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Tuesday, 27 March 2012

For whom the road tolls?

Hidden away in the budget report is a�suggestion [...]


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Syria ?accepts Annan peace plan? ? live updates

? Plan calls for end to bloodshed and humanitarian access? President�Assad visits Babr Amr, in Homs? Free Syrian Army accused of using child soldiers Read the latest summary 5.05pm: Here’s a summary of the main developments so far today. ? … Continue reading


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EC formal request for the UK to amend its anti-avoidance legislation

On 6 December it was announced that the UK is planning to change two key anti-avoidance provisions: the rules governing transfers of assets abroad and the attribution of gains made by non-resident companies. Apparently proposals will be published for consultation around the time of Budget 2012 with a view to enactment in the 2013 Finance Bill.

The reason for this is that, in February 2011, the EC announced that the existing UK legislation infringed the EU Treaty. The issue is that the law discriminates by taxing the shareholders of a non-UK resident company on the income and gains made by that company for shareholders of a UK resident company. 

The change may have a marked effect on tax planning in that individuals could be entitled to establish a company, including one holding investments, to take advantage of lower corporation tax rates available in some other states in the EU or EEA. In reality, this type of planning is likely to be undertaken only by wealthy individuals because of the costs involved in establishing a company properly. 

The question really though is how far HMRC will go in changing the UK law. Historically it has made only minor changes in these circumstances. It has a strategy of taking a strong position on where to draw the line. We will have to wait – and hope.

Cathy Corns

Cathy Corns is a tax adviser and a partner at Mercer & Hole. The views given in this blog are personal to the author, if you would like to discuss the contents of this post with Cathy you can call her on 01908 605552.

Email Cathy Corns


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Overseas Property, is it the little things that matter?

What really attracts people to purchase an overseas property, apart from location, price, and dimensional suitability? I would argue that it is normally the LOVE factor. Most people fall in love with the property they want to purchase and will … Continue reading


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Obama merchandising madness: where will it end?

You can get cocktail glasses, cat collars ? even nail polish. Is this the future of political campaign funding?

If political merchandising once meant badly printed T-shirts, bumper stickers and mugs that fade in the dishwasher, America's 2012 election will change all that. The Barack Obama campaign's online store ? more like a supermarket ? puts it best: it's "merchandise madness".

You can kit your life out, Obama style. Fry some eggs with your branded spatula, fix up a martini in a 2012 cocktail glass or show your feline's allegiance with a Cats for Obama collar. Anna Wintour, meanwhile, has ensured your Obama-approved wardrobe stays fashion-friendly. Her Runway to Win initiative (a reprisal of the 2008 Runway to Change) has brands including Marc Jacobs, Rag & Bone and (Wintour personal favourite) Jason Wu provide product ? with Wu's T-shirt a bestseller.

While Alexander Wang's Let Us Be Clear hoody will appeal to political hipsters, Obama-endorsed Le Metier de Beaute nail polishes ? called Bo Blue, Victory White and Red-y to Win ? have become a talking point. Surely the first time a political campaign has got involved in beauty, fashion blogs are onboard. Refinery 29's message board is fired up and Coco Perez, Perez Hilton's fashion site, jests that "no matter which way you swing politically, we think Obama nailed it".

Possibly in more ways than one. With Shephard Fairey's Hope poster for 2008 selling for up to $6,000, merchandise is now more than an afterthought. It's also a way to raise funds. Rana Reeves, founder of branding agency John Doe, believes buying something, rather than making a donation, appeals to a "younger segment. Young people understand consumerism. They want something back and this becomes a transaction." While the nail varnish cost around $10,000 to produce, selling product like this is "one way of keeping low dollar supporters engaged with the campaign", says website Politico. The sets sell for $40 a go. With more than 97% of donations in February's total of $45m (�28m) coming from small donors, it all adds up.

Not to be outdone, other candidates are getting involved too ? Republican hopeful Ron Paul boasts speakers decorated with his face for sale, and some truly suspect shoes. Rick Santorum, though, might be master of the merch. His online store has three T-shirts compared to Obama's 50 ? but he gives away a sweater vest with every donation of $100. With Time reporting that this may have added $300,000 to his campaign, it seems there really is no accounting for taste. © 2012 Guardian News and Media Limited or its affiliated companies. All rights reserved. | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds


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FactCheck: Do 50p taxpayers have it so bad?

"Is a true Briton to have no privacy? Are the fruits of his labour and toil to be picked over, farthing by farthing, by the pimply minions of bureaucracy?"


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How Saving Face won Oscar glory

Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy's documentary about violence against women gave Pakistan its first Academy Award ? and the film-maker an unprecedented chance to shed light on a dark issue

It became the surprise success of the Oscars. Saving Face, a documentary about the true cost of the deliberate disfigurement of women in Pakistan, attracted worldwide attention, and not just for lifting the veil on a hitherto little-known world. Its director, Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy, also became the first person from Pakistan to win an Oscar.

The success of the documentary, which will have its UK premiere at the Human Rights Watch film festival on 28 March, also put the spotlight on Pakistan's fledgling film industry, which has recently emerged from the shadows of the behemoth that is its Indian neighbour, Bollywood. Several Pakistani films have received international acclaim, including last year's transsexual-son drama Bol and the country's much-anticipated first ever English-language film, Waar, about the "war on terror".

Speaking to the Guardian, Chinoy said: "It's an indescribable feeling. I am humbled and honoured that my work has received such acclaim. This has reinforced my belief that hard work and dedication will be appreciated at the highest level. I had the opportunity to meet actors and directors that I grew up with. We gave copies of Saving Face to Brad Pitt and George Clooney, and it was incredible to meet them on an equal footing, and that too while representing Pakistan."

Karachi-born Chinoy is no stranger to bringing controversial issues to the screen. She was the first journalist to be allowed to film in Saudi Arabia about its fledgling women's rights movement, and also directed a documentary about Pakistan's transgender community, which was shown on Channel 4.

She became involved in Saving Face after being approached by co-director Daniel Junge, who was inspired by an interview with British plastic surgeon Mohammad Jawad, whose mercy mission from London's Harley Street to his homeland to perform free reconstructive surgery on victims is featured in the documentary.

"I was immediately drawn to the subject matter, and thought that Daniel and I would work well together," said Chinoy. "By making Saving Face, I realised that acid violence exists in a cultural context, and that the narrative doesn't end when the attack occurs."

Statistics make the plight of women in Pakistan far from comfortable reading. A survey by Trust Law ranked Pakistan the third most dangerous place for women in the world, after the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Afghanistan. According to the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan, nearly 700 women were victims of honour killings in the period between 2009-2010, and 90% of women have been victims of domestic violence ? of which acid attacks are one of the most extreme forms. Cases such as the gang rape of Mukhtaran Mai (most of whose alleged attackers were freed) have exposed the difficulties faced by women fighting for justice in Pakistan.

In fact, one of the most shocking aspects of the documentary is the role of women in perpetrating violence against other women. This is illustrated by the case of Rukhsana, one of the women portrayed in the film, a happily married mother of two who was attacked by her in-laws. Poverty forced her to return to live with them, and she was only able to see her children from behind a wall.

"In 2007, I travelled to Afghanistan to make a film called Lifting the Veil. I met a number of women who had kerosene thrown on them by female in-laws. I learned early on that woman-on-woman violence does occur in certain parts of the world," says Chinoy. "Such occurrences are difficult to digest. However, one has to address this issue within the cultural context: woman-on-woman acid violence is more about power than gender. It's painful, as one would assume that women would help other women."

However, Chinoy finds the positive in the stories she tells. Despite its harrowing subject matter, she describes Saving Face as a feelgood story, focusing on the courage of the victims and the strength of those who help them. "Violence against women is strongly condemned in the media, education and legal system in Pakistan. Many organisations are actively engaged in bettering the lives of women, and experiencing tremendous results."

Chinoy believes that being a woman in Pakistan is far from the hopeless situation that is often portrayed, and considers herself an example of the potential of women in her homeland. "I grew up in Karachi, a booming, diverse city that offers many opportunities and avenues for exploration. While growing up, I never felt like my upbringing was different than it would be had I grown up anywhere else in the world. I have never been discriminated against due to my gender in Pakistan.

"Pakistani women are able to vote, drive and travel at will, which isn't the case in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. Pakistani women are also running large businesses, and many universities boast a higher number of female students than male. Although there are many Pakistani women who cannot enjoy these liberties, there are many who do. It's our responsibility to bridge that gap."

? Saving Face is screened at the Human Rights Watch film festival on 28-29 March, and will also be broadcast on Channel 4 in April. © 2012 Guardian News and Media Limited or its affiliated companies. All rights reserved. | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds


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Pensions update

With the recent changes to the pension legislation coming into effect from April next year there has been a flurry of activity within the financial services industry to get our heads around the details.

The removal of the requirement to annuitise by the age of 75 to secure a lump sum, allows greater flexibility to draw this at a convenient time, also more of the pension lump sum can be withdrawn. This will be looked upon as a positive benefit.

Flexible and Capped drawdown from the age of 55 will replace Unsecured (USP) and Alternatively secured pensions (ASP), but individuals will only be able to enter Flexible drawdown, to obtain this larger capacity, if they self certify that they meet the minimum income requirement (MIR), of £20,000 per year. The state pension can be included in the calculation, but this begins for most individuals from age 65, and rising, for both men and women born after 1955.

Will this be the end of normal annuities?

The fact that many may have missed is that for the vast majority of cases, the size of the pot under management are going to limit them into taking the normal annuity route or Capped drawdown.

There is still a great need for pensions advise in the early years of the accumulation stage, as it is still a fact that most annuities purchased are taken out with funds under £50,000 in value. This could be because of under funding, poor performing funds and a general lack of interest in the vehicle that should be helping to make a difference in retirement!

I feel though that the new rules being introduced are better and more thought out. 

Steven Harris s a Financial Adviser at Nightingale Associates. The views given in this blog are personal to the author.  If you would like to discuss the contents of this post with Steven you can call him on 020 7353 1597.

M&H LLP trading as Nightingale Associates is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority.



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The basics

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Redistributing university places doesn't disguise the fact this is a very strange higher education policy


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Monday, 26 March 2012

Advice vs. Sales

I couldn?t help but have a wry smile at the ?eminent Wealth Manager? St.James?s Place (SJP) being dragged through a court tribunal, the gist of which concerned the title of this Blog. Source: the pension service pension release annuity … Continue reading


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Budget 2012 ? Consumer verdict makes grim reading

Latest Which? polling, following the 2012 Budget has found the majority of consumers (73%) expect little or no improvement in their household finances over the next 12 months as a result of the measures announced. One in three said the … Continue reading


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Budget 2012 ? Consumer verdict makes grim reading

Latest Which? polling, following the 2012 Budget has found the majority of consumers (73%) expect little or no improvement in their household finances over the next 12 months as a result of the measures announced. One in three said the … Continue reading


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FactCheck: Jailbird juveniles ? too much, too soon?

The United Kingdom is locking up her children too young and too often ? and it's not helping to rehabilitate them, says Europe?s human rights watchdog.The Ministry of Justice hasn?t reviewed the minimum age since the 1960s. But does it need to?


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SIPPs: What are they good for?

The Self-Invested Personal Pension (SIPP)...the clue is in the title.


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I?m a Spammer!

I?m privileged to see inner sanctum, so thought I?d help you catch up on a few recent developments and improvements.


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Christmas and New Year opening hours

With the festive period almost here we have finalised our opening hours during this period. Similar Posts Inter Payroll unveil new changes Working hours, how they affect us and solutions Why the tax year starts on 6th April Source: … Continue reading


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Junior ISAs

The Government has now published the draft regulations for its Junior ISAs. A brief summary is:

  • Junior ISAs will be available from 1 November 2011.
  • Children may have one cash and one stocks and shares Junior ISA at any time, with an overall contribution limit of £3,000 per annum.
  • Junior ISAs will be offered by high-street banks, building societies, etc.
  • Funds will be ‘locked in’ until the child is 18.


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Do you review?

At 6.45 a.m. today I enjoyed my weekly business networking fix...good venue, good weather, good company, and a good breakfast!


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Sunday, 25 March 2012

Treating Customers Fairly?

My company is termed by the Financial Services Authority (FSA) as a ?Small Business?. Source: personal pension Source: pension release annuity inheritance tax pension calculator nhs pension


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Public Pension Reform is Seen as Urgent

According to "State Pension Reform, 2009-2011" by Ron Snell (National Conference of State Legislatures, March 2012), all but seven states have made "major changes" in order to lower pension fund obligations. Increasing employee contributions, reducing employer contributions and/or tightening up … Continue reading


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Morally bankrupt

Greg Smith’s condemnation of Goldman Sachs‘ culture as “morally bankrupt” splits my friends into three camps; Those like me who take the buy at face value and accept that the firm he joined 12 years ago has lost its moral … Continue reading


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Pensions & Divorce

I received a visit last week from a lady who had recently divorced. I say recently, although it was 2 years ago… Source: drawdown state pension forecast uk state pension pension lump sum pension transfer


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All I want for Christmas

This will be my last blog this year so I thought I?d share my Christmas list with you.� Sadly, as the announcement of the government?s final offer this week made painfully clear, Danny Alexander is not Santa Claus, so I?m not holding my breath. First though, I?d like you to make a New Year?s Resolution.�� [...]


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Income Protection/ Delegate voting at our last event

FacebookTwitterDeliciousDiggStumbleUponAdd to favoritesEmailRSS This week we�issued a press release based on the results of our delegate voting at out London event in February.� Already this research�has featured on several websites/ magazines, so I thought followers of the blog might be interested in viewing … Continue reading


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