Readers' panel: What films best portray old age?
When it comes to telling stories about older people, when has cinema got it right? When has it fallen short? And are things improving? Let us know your thoughts
Cinema has arguably done a fairly bad job of representing older people in the past. In their pursuit of the advertiser-friendly youth market, film-makers have marginalised the over-65s: when they appear on screen they've often been reduced to twinkly-eyed caricatures or bitter, decrepit ciphers.
However, there are clear signs things are improving. Earlier this year David Cox wrote about the return of older people to the big screen: "They want something different, and the industry is trying to give it to them ? It is estimated that around a third of forthcoming Hollywood productions are being made with an eye on older audiences."
The new documentary Ping Pong is one film in which older people are firmly centre-stage. Its subject is the over-80s table tennis championships in Inner Mongolia, and follows eight competitors with a combined age of more than 700. It's released in the UK on Friday 6 July, and will be available to watch on from the same date. Before then, you can read an inspiring interview with two of its cast.
What in your opinion makes a "good" film portrayal of older people? Is it the saccharine, sentimental approach of a film like Cocoon? Or would you rather see something less positive, but more honest? What films have got it right? And where have they gone badly wrong? We'd like to hear from you.
? If you'd like to contribute to the panel, please email your thoughts on the subject to before 9am on Wednesday 2 July. Keep your submission to under 200 words. We'll be picking a selection to publish on Wednesday afternoon. Include your real name and your Guardian username, but let us know if you'd prefer to remain anonymous.
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