Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Campaign finance ? disclosure day live

Details are revealed today of the FEC filings of presidential campaigns and Super Pacs ?�join us for live coverage plus the fallout from the Florida primary results

3.45pm: Right. We're done with the documents, figures, tables and spreadsheets. What have we learned from this day of deep diving in campaign finance figures?

Barack Obama and Mitt Romney are by far the mos successful campaign fundraisers. The president banked $140m for his campaign to the end of last year. His Republican rival managed to raise $56.8m by December 31, compared with $12.7m for Newt Gingrich and $25.5m for Ron Paul. Rick Santorum struggled with $3.3m.

The filings reveal that the Romney campaign is dependent on the donations of a few wealthy individuals and corporations, while the Obama team rely more on many smaller donors. Bob Perry, a Houston developer who was a leading financier of Swift Boat Veterans for Truth which smeared the 2004 Democratic presidential candidate, John Kerry, gave $1m as did William Koch, brother of Charles and David Koch, who fund the Tea Party movement.

New York is the campaign finance capital of America. Mitt Romney raised $4.4m there, and Barack Obama $5.5m ? that'll be all the hedge fund managers and big corporate beasts who bankroll many of the campaigns. Unsurprisingly, candidates' powerbases are also big sources of cash ? Atlanta for Newt Gingrich and Chicago for Barack Obama.

The Super Pac set up by the satirist Stephen Colbert last year raised $1m to the end of January. Donors included the West Wing star Bradley Whitford, and the lieutenant governor of California.

3.32pm: Another way to break the figures down is by location. James Ball has been looking at the cities in America that gave most to the various candiates.

Mitt Romney

Newt Gingrich

Barack Obama

Not surprisingly, most of Obama's donations came from his powerbase in Chicago, followed by New York.

3.12pm: BREAKING... James Ball has found the official best fact of the FEC filings: a donation of $1,456 to Ron Paul from someone who gave their occupation as "zombie slayer". Which is both a RON PAUL NOTE and awesome.

Looking at the data by self-described occupations is revealing:

Newt Gingrich received $1,597,823.47 from the retired, $318,832.50 from homemakers and $218,031.00 from executives.

Barack Obama got $13,220,268.82 from the retired, $6,478,400.01 from attorneys and another $1,765,097.22 from lawyers.

Ron Paul's stand-out figures are $418,641.44 from physicians, $489,545.93 from engineers and $215,035.04 from software engineers (related: Ron Paul is big on the internet)

Mitt Romney's givers break down as $5,601,937.95 from the retired, just $5,020324.00 from homemakers and just over $1m each from presidents and executives

For Rick Santorum, blessed be the homemakers who gave $212,628.00 to his campaign. He received $60,825.00 from CEOs and $56,250.00 from self-described "presidents".

Not that sort of president.

2.43pm: The electability issue continues around the GOP debate. This piece from American Spectator comes highly recommended by your usual host Richard Adams.

An angry George Neumayr writes:

If "electability" is the goal, why don't the politically correct plutocrats of the GOP just call for a one-party state? That way they could win every time. The "electability" argument is bankrupt on both philosophical and practical grounds. It destroys the party's soul and guarantees defeat.

Even though Romney paid for this Florida win on his debit card ? outspending Newt by millions ? he still couldn't nail down the rank-and-file vote. Seven out of ten self-described conservatives didn't vote for him. This foreshadows the boredom and disgust that will keep conservatives home in the fall.

1.59pm: And just when you thought the campaigning might rest, they're back. Rick Santorum, who abandoned Florida early to move on to caucuses where he had a better chance of winning, has been speaking in Colorado and has just produced this gem:

Mitt Romney says he can win because he has the most money and the most organization. Guess what, in the fall he won't.

Colorado's caucuses are on Tuesday.

1.42pm: James Ball has produced this graph showing the donations raised by Barack Obama, and the four main candidates for the Republican nomination. It shows how fundraising goes in cycles throughout the year.

1.13pm: Our reporter James Ball in London has been digging through the filings in search of facts to support the emerging narrative that Obama's funding is made of up of many smaller contributions in contrast to Romney's big corporations.

We know that Obama is focusing on bundlers ? the elite group of fundraisers who extract maximum personal contributions from their networks of wealthy individuals.

But James is finding that the trend continues down the scale, with very large volumes of relatively small contributions to the president's coffers. He writes:

I'm looking at donation size for each candidate - in particular what portion of their funds come from small donations (under $50) and what portion comes from big donations (over $2,500).

It's proving pretty telling: 26% of Obama's donations (2% of his cash) come from sub-$50 donations. For Romney, it's 7% ? and only 0.2% of his cash.

1.00pm: Here's a summary of what we've learned so far today.

Filings with the Federal Elections Commission show that Mitt Romney far outstripped his Republican rivals in campaign donations. The Romney campaign banked $56.8m by December 31, compared with $12.7m for Newt Gingrich and $25.5m for Ron Paul. Rick Santorum struggled with $3.3m.

Barack Obama eclipsed his Republican rivals, netting $140m for his campaign to the end of the year. Separately, donations to a Super Pac supporting him included Jeffrey Katzenberg, chief executive of the Dreamworks Animation film company, who gave $2m.

The filings reveal that the Romney campaign is dependent on the donations of a few wealthy individuals and corporations, while the Obama team rely more on many smaller donors. Bob Perry, a Houston developer who was a leading financier of Swift Boat Veterans for Truth which attacked the 2004 Democratic presidential candidate, John Kerry, gave $1m as did William Koch, brother of Charles and David Koch, who fund the Tea Party movement.

The Super Pac set up by the satirist Stephen Colbert last year raised $1m to the end of January. Donors to Americans for a Better Tomorrow, Tomorrow, included the West Wing star Bradley Whitford, and the lieutenant governor of California.

Once the final votes in the Florida primary were tallied, Mitt Romney's total vote exceeded the combined votes of his main rivals. Romney took 46.4%, while the shares of Newt Gingrich (31.9%), Rick Santorum (13.4%) and Rick Perry, who remained on the ballot despite dropping out of the race (0.4%), collectively reached 45.7% ? undermining the claim of his opponents that if there was only one conservative candidate, they would beat Romney.

12.43pm: The only connection between Michelle Obama's appearance on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno and the FEC fillings is that she hosted a fundraiser in Beverley Hills before taping the show. But it's a good excuse to show the highlights reel.

12.26pm: Stephen Colbert's Super Pac, Americans for a Better Tomorrow, Tomorrow, is a real Super Pac that has to file with the FEC just like any other. We learned yesterday that it had raised just over $1m to the end of January ? it appended a note to its official document listing donations to the end of 2011, detailing the extra month's filings.

The New York Times notes that donors listed in the 147-page document include Gavin Newsom, the lieutenant governor of California, who gave $500. The actors Laura San Giacomo, star of Sex, Lies and Videotape, Pretty Woman and Hot in Cleveland; and Bradley Whitford, famous for his role in The West Wing", both gave $250. A Rolling Stones tribute band, the Sticky Fingers Band, gave $400.

12.12pm: Back to Florida, and the tone has turned analytical. Yates Walker at the Daily Caller takes apart claims that GOP voters are concerned about electability:

In exit polls yesterday, Florida Republicans revealed that their top reason for choosing their candidate was "electability." After screaming at my TV for 10 minutes, I had several drinks and sat down to write this column.

John McCain was electable. Wasn't he?

Tom Daschle, Joe Biden, John Kerry, Howard Dean, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Keith Olbermann, The New York Times and The Washington Post all said he was. McCain was "a great guy" according to Chris Matthews. So why aren't we in year four of the McCain administration?

Because electability is absolute, unadulterated, straight-out-of-the-cow bullshit. And I can prove it.

He adds:

The electability question is a liberal media con. It is posed only when discussing Republicans. And it is posed often. The purpose of the question is to cast doubt on conservative candidates and, ultimately, keep them out of office.

12.07pm: Chris McGreal has been looking in more detail into Karl Rove's links to campaign financing that we mentioned earlier.

In the murky world of political financing, two sister groups created by George Bush's former strategist Karl Rove ? American Crossroads and Crossroads Grassroots Policy Strategies (GPS) ? stand out. Between them they raised $51m last year for Republican causes.

Nearly $18.5m went to American Crossroads ? a recognised Super Pac ? with a massive $5m coming from a single billionaire, Harold Simmons. The balance, about $32.5m, was raised by Crossroads GPS. But the law allows its donors to remain anonymous ? no matter how much they give ? and its role more is shadowy.

That's because Crossroads GPS is defined as a 501(c)(4), a non-profit corporation and not a Super PAC. But its critics say it walks and talks like a Super PAC, attacking the president and Democrats in highly politicised adverts.

Crossroads is legally defined as an organisation intended to "advance social welfare". That permits it to advocate "public policy". But its "issues adverts" do not look very different from political campaigning.

Crossroads GPS is launching a new advert attacking Barack Obama over the controversial $535m government loan guarantee to the green energy company, Solyndra, which subsequently went bust and laid off 1,100 people
"Laid-off workers forgotten. Tell President Obama we need jobs, not more insider deals," the advert says.

A memo by Crossroads GPS president, Steven Law, on the adverts said: "Advocates on the center-right need to engage that debate in both moral and economic terms, showing that Obama's Washington is an unfair place, and less of Obama's invasive, free-spending and chronically politicized government is the solution."

12.03pm: Big data dumps often turn into a race between news organisations to make sense of them, so here's the best of the web on the FEC filings so far. Feel free to share other links in the comments:

?�The New York Times has produced a lovely simple chart of the major Super Pac donors.

?�Reuters has a nifty summary of the top-line figures in its Fact Box.

? MSNBC ambitiously promises "fun facts" (sample fact: "Restore Our Future received seven $1 million checks, 12 $500,000 contributions, and 62 $100,000 checks.")

?�The Wall Street Journal takes a step back to point out that Super Pac spending from a small number of the super wealthy (subscription) is dominating TV advertising.

11.50am: And the cash keeps on flowing: ABC News reports that Barack Obama, the first lady and the vice president all held fundraisers yesterday that were expected to bring in $5.3m for the Democrats and the president.

Tickets started at $35,800 per person for an event at the St Regis hotel in Washington tonight. Or, if you preferred something a little more exclusive, it was $35,800 per couple for a dinner at a private residence in Chevvy Chase, Maryland.

Michelle Obama was pressing the flesh on the west coast, before taping an appearance on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno, which aired last night.

11.13am: Among the many commentators trying to make sense of Newt Gingrich's continuing enthusiasm for this race is Michael Hirsh at the National Journal. In a piece published this morning, he writes:

While Gingrich is unlikely to get the nomination at this point, his enduring fantasy of himself as a great figure in history may propel him to carry on this primary race far longer than reality might dictate. He said last night he's going all the way to the convention. He talked about coming back again and again. I think he believes it.

11.09am: The biggest donors aren't immediately apparent in the filings, because they often donate in installments or through different organisations. The Associated Press has been doing some deep digging and found that Restore our Future, the Super Pac supporting Mitt Romney, enjoyed donations of more than $30m from bankers, investors and prominent businessmen. The group's three most generous donors gave $1m each, or 400 times the amount they could legally give directly to Romney's campaign directly. All were hedge fund managers.

The top $1 million contributions came from Robert Mercer, co-executive of Renaissance Technologies, one of the world's largest hedge funds; Julian H Robertson Jr, the retired head of Tiger Management Corp, another top hedge fund; and Paul Singer, head of the New York-based Elliot Management Corp. Singer is a major Republican party campaign fundraiser, and his firm has specialised in the controversial practice of buying up sovereign debt of Third World and economically distressed nations, the AP reported.

Illustrating the problem in identifying donors, a million-dollar gift came in four installments from Melaleuca Inc, a vitamin and health products company headed by Frank VanderSloot, a Mormon businessman who has donated to both Republican and Democratic politicians. VanderSloot's website features a photo of him posing with Newt Gingrich and his wife, Callista.

At least $750,000 came from Bill Koch, a sibling of the two prominent Koch brothers who donated to many Republican, conservative and pro-business causes in recent years. Bill Koch gave a $250,000 donation, and Oxbow Carbon LLC, the global energy firm he heads, gave $750,000 more, according to AP.

American Crossroads, the Republican group backed by former George W Bush adviser Karl Rove, said it raised $51m along with its nonprofit arm last year. Most of its $11m in contributions over the past three months came from about a dozen wealthy donors, including Harold Simmons, a Dallas businessman with ties to former Republican candidate Texas governor Rick Perry.

10.53am: For those of you with energy, patience and a sense that this super pac thing is not quite right, here's the link to Mitt Romney's FEC filing.

10.40am: Romney has been misunderstood about poor people again, this time on CNN. The stand out quote "I'm not concerned about the very poor", is not quite as bad as it sounds in context. Not quite.

After winning the Florida primary, GOP presidential nominee hopeful Mitt Romney explains to CNN anchor Soledad O'Brien that he is focused on a particular portion of the American population in his campaign.

Romney says, "I'm not concerned about the very poor. We have a safety net there. If it needs a repair, I'll fix it. I'm not concerned about the very rich.... I'm concerned about the very heart of America, the 90-95 percent of Americans who right now are struggling."

O'Brien asked him to clarify his remarks saying, "There are lots of very poor Americans who are struggling who would say, 'That sounds odd.'"

Romney continues, "We will hear from the Democrat party, the plight of the poor.... You can focus on the very poor, that's not my focus.... The middle income Americans, they're the folks that are really struggling right now and they need someone that can help get this economy going for them."

10.27am: Significant stat from last night: Mitt Romney's total vote, 46.4% is greater than the combined "anti-Romney" vote shared by Gingrich (31.9%), Santorum (13.4%) and Perry (0.4%) who collectively reached 45.7%. As pointed out by our own Paul Harris last night, this suggests Romney has quashed those high Conservatives who fear him more than they support any other candidate.

RON PAUL NOTE: Ron Paul received 7% of the vote. We are not ignoring Ron Paul.

10.20am: The big news from last night's primary result in Florida is that as of this morning, Mitt Romney is an official protectee of the state with his own Secret Service detail. With great office comes great responsibility, also Secret Service code names (Barack Obama is Renegade, Michelle Obama is Renaissance and the first daughters go by Radiance and Rosebud). Romney's moniker is a matter of considerable speculation. We like Bain. Simple, action-orientated and possibly a baddie from the Incredible Hulk adventures (we're googling that).

Here's another good one:

10.12am: The Guardian's Washington correspondent Chris McGreal has been poring through the filings, and is interested particularly in the Super Pac that has supported Mitt Romney's presidential bid with support from top executives at Bain Capital, Goldman Sachs and other financial houses with connections to the former Massachusetts governor.

According to figures released by the Federal Election Commission at midnight, the Super Pac backing Romney, Restore Our Future, took in about $18m from 200 donors during the second half of last year. Nearly 60 of the donors were firms or rich individuals who gave more than $100,000.

The Super Pac backing Barack Obama, Priorities USA Action, raised just $4.4m over the same period. But the financial filings released by the FEC showed that the president's campaign organisation ? which is not a Super Pac and therefore limited to individual donations no larger than $2,500 ? raised more than twice as much as Romney's in 2011, bringing in $140m.

The disparity suggests that Romney will be heavily reliant on wealthy donors and big business to finance his run for president. If Romney is the Republican nominee he will also be able to draw on two large independent Super Pacs, Crossroads and Crossroads GPS, which raised more than $50m last year. Romney raised millions from the financial world including three donors running hedge funds who gave $1m each.

The other donors to Romney included a total of $750,000 from former colleagues at Bain and $385,000 from executives at Goldman Sachs. Bob Perry, a Houston developer who was a leading financier of Swift Boat Veterans for Truth which smeared the 2004 Democratic presidential candidate, John Kerry, with accusations he made false claims about his service in Vietnam, gave $1m as did William Koch, brother of Charles and David Koch who fund the Tea Party movement.

Among the other major donors were members of the Walton family which founded the Walmart supermarket chain, the single largest employer in the US, who gave more than $200,000; Bill Marriott, the chairman of the Marriott hotel chain; and Patrick Durkin, a lobbyist for Barclays bank.

Chris reports that among the wealthy donors backing Obama's Super Pac were Jeffrey Katzenberg, chief executive of the Dreamworks Animation film company, who gave $2m. Service Employees International Union, a trades union with more than 2m members, donated $1m.

9.45am: The scale of the cash battle facing the eventual Republican nominee is considerable: Barack Obama raised nearly $130m by December 31 ? $96.9m directly and $32.9m from the fund that feeds both his campaign and the Democratic party.

The New York Times describes how Obama is able to exploit the "well-oiled machinery of an incumbent with a powerful grass-roots apparatus and hundreds of 'bundlers' gathering checks of up to $2,500 per person from friends and associates", whereas his Republican opponents rely "far more heavily on independent groups empowered by court decisions that have made it easier for wealthy individuals and corporations to spend unlimited amounts of money".

9.36am: Republican campaigns: so far today we learn that of the Republican nomination frontrunners, Mitt Romney raised by far the most money ? $56.8m by December 31. Newt Gingrich trails on $12.7m.

The dire financial situation of Rick Santorum is revealed by the mere $2.2m that he raised by the end of the year. Rick Perry, who dropped out in January 19, pocketed $19.8m as a result of his Texas fundraising machine. Jon Huntsman, who also dropped out in January, banked �3.3m. Ron Paul, the maverick Texas congressman who's still in the race, raised a massive $25.5m.

9.30am: US politics may be corrupted by the millions of dollars of cash that flows between big-money donors and their favoured candidates and campaigns, but at least you know who's doing the corrupting.

Corporate and individual donors to political campaigns and "super" political action committees (Super Pacs) are required to file details of their donations and spending to the federal elections commission. Today, we find out where the money went, as the FEC releases details of filings to December 31.

We'll be trawling through the findings and keeping and eye on everyone else who's doing the same thing. Plus we'll have fallout and reaction from the Florida primary results, where Mitt Romney scored a decisive victory over Newt Gingrich. © 2012 Guardian News and Media Limited or its affiliated companies. All rights reserved. | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds


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